i want to get some quail to see if i like owning them but i have no idea on how to take care of them, what they are good for, or anything else. any info would be appreciated. i know there are a lot of good threads but there are so many to go through it would take forever to find all the info that y'all could help provide me, and you all might tell me something that i would have never thought about looking up as well. i would also incubate some eggs and raise some of them but i only know how to incubate chickens and with quail eggs being so tiny and small how would i go about incubating and raising those itty bitty little babies, had some at an auction this past weekend almost got some but again don't know how to care for them so it wouldn't have been fair to them then had no feathers coming in either? also how do tell who's male and who's female besides females laying eggs? again any other info besides what i have so far asked for would greatly help thank you.