Infomercials you didn't resist? I admit Eggies got ME

I've NEVER had that many problems with mine at all, and can get them done easy. But for grocery store eggs, I think they'd be pointless. Those all but fall out of the shell when you hardboil them.
I was just at Bed, Bath & Beyond awhile ago, and as I was checking out I noticed a big display of Eggies by the cash register. I didn't buy any - but I thought of it. I've never had trouble taking the shell off a boiled egg - so I don't see the point.
Didn't read all the responses but they are available on for 15.00 free shipping if you spend 25.00 which I always do because I can't resist the book section

P.S they got horrible reviews on Amazon!
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You can do the same thing with some glass ramekins such as these:


Seems to me they'd be better than cooking in plastic.

Just set them down into a shallow saucepan full of simmering water and let them do their thing.
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$9.99 for a box of 6 at Bed Bath and Beyond. Bought to try - will post a report. They are quite substantial actually - thought they would be really flimsy plastic.
I have Cami Secrets, all the neutral colors and wear them often. Also have Mighty Putty, bought my mom a Slap Chop, we have two sets of Sham-wows, Smooth Away, Turbo Snake and a Pocket Chair. All were exactly as advertised.

In fact every time we go to Wal-Mart we make a point to go to the as seen on tv aisle to see if we want anything. I think my next purchase will be the Easy Feet doodad. That or a Windshield Wonder.

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