Injured duck bill help!


Feb 3, 2016
Kentucky, USA
Hi! So long story short, I have an ******* chicken who hates my Khaki Campbell hen. I've kept them separated since she started being aggressive towards her, and until today it's worked. I got home from work today and found the duck with a large wound on her bill, I'm assuming from the chicken, since I caught her n the run with the duck (she flew over the fencing to get to their food). The wound is about the size of a dime and it looks like the beak has been torn off in that area, it also looks like the area between her nares has been attacked as well. It's not bleeding, and doesn't look swollen or infected. I've brought her inside, given her a warm bath, cleaned the wound and put some triple antibiotic (without pain reliever) on it. She's eating and drinking normally, and is clear eyed and alert. Right now I have her in a tote until I can arrange a larger area for her. Is there anything else I can do for her at the moment? I've only got a couple dollars to my name until payday(Saturday), so unfortunately the vet isn't an option until then.
Thanks for the help!

Hi! So long story short, I have an ******* chicken who hates my Khaki Campbell hen. I've kept them separated since she started being aggressive towards her, and until today it's worked. I got home from work today and found the duck with a large wound on her bill, I'm assuming from the chicken, since I caught her n the run with the duck (she flew over the fencing to get to their food). The wound is about the size of a dime and it looks like the beak has been torn off in that area, it also looks like the area between her nares has been attacked as well. It's not bleeding, and doesn't look swollen or infected. I've brought her inside, given her a warm bath, cleaned the wound and put some triple antibiotic (without pain reliever) on it. She's eating and drinking normally, and is clear eyed and alert. Right now I have her in a tote until I can arrange a larger area for her. Is there anything else I can do for her at the moment? I've only got a couple dollars to my name until payday(Saturday), so unfortunately the vet isn't an option until then.
Thanks for the help!

I don't think you need a vet just keep it clean and keep using the triple antibiotic on it. Also add some ACV to her water for head washing ACV can help to heal it and using 1-2 Tab per gallon isn't strong enough to burn honest I have actually tasted it and you can barely taste it. You def don't want any chickens to get at that wound.
What about the rest of your ducks are they safe from your bully hen?

Welcome to BYC
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Thanks for the reply! I'm assuming ACV is apple cider vinegar? I'll pick some up and add it to her water. She's actually the only duck I have at the moment. I rescued her a couple months ago from someone who kept her in a kennel 24/7 and fed her nothing but dog food. I'm hoping to get a couple more in the spring to keep her company. She's been in her own pen with a silkie and a younger pullet, and they have been getting along fine, eating and sleeping together etc.. It's only the one hen that bullies her, she goes after the other two chickens as well (she's older than them). I'm seriously considering culling her if the problem persists. For now I have the top of the run covered with a tarp so she can't fly in.
Something else you can use is a mild saline solution rinse. Not for her to drink, of course, but just a simple quick rinse a few times a day to keep it clean. You can find recipes for saline solution online, I think WebMD has one.

And yes, we often abbreviate apple cider vinegar as ACV.
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Thanks for the reply! I'm assuming ACV is apple cider vinegar? I'll pick some up and add it to her water. She's actually the only duck I have at the moment. I rescued her a couple months ago from someone who kept her in a kennel 24/7 and fed her nothing but dog food. I'm hoping to get a couple more in the spring to keep her company. She's been in her own pen with a silkie and a younger pullet, and they have been getting along fine, eating and sleeping together etc.. It's only the one hen that bullies her, she goes after the other two chickens as well (she's older than them). I'm seriously considering culling her if the problem persists. For now I have the top of the run covered with a tarp so she can't fly in.
Bless you for rescuing her. I think she'll heal fine they are amazing how well they can come back from alot worse than this. Your TLC will do wonders.
Let us know how she is doing. I'd also keep her away from her room mates till her bill heals chickens are just drawn to injuries especially open wounds and they can really make this alot worse. Not to do it with meanness it is just part of who they are.
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Thanks! I plan on keeping her indoors and spoiling her til it heals back up. Especially since it's very muddy out with the weather right now, I'd hate for her to get an infection. My boyfriend isn't thrilled about having her in the house, but he'll just have to put up with it! So will the bill grow back to normal in time, or will it stay misshapen(I'll love her either way, just curious).
Thanks! I plan on keeping her indoors and spoiling her til it heals back up. Especially since it's very muddy out with the weather right now, I'd hate for her to get an infection. My boyfriend isn't thrilled about having her in the house, but he'll just have to put up with it! So will the bill grow back to normal in time, or will it stay misshapen(I'll love her either way, just curious).
I'd say it should heal fine. My gander knocked a chunk out of his bill a couple years ago I put ACV into his water bucket daily till it healed I can't even tell where it was now.
Just an update for everyone, the ducks bill is healing up really well! I've went ahead and put her back out, and made certain the offending hen can't get to her. I stayed out with her to make sure the other two chickens weren't going to pick at her, and everything it going harmoniously! Thanks everyone for the advice!
Just an update for everyone, the ducks bill is healing up really well! I've went ahead and put her back out, and made certain the offending hen can't get to her. I stayed out with her to make sure the other two chickens weren't going to pick at her, and everything it going harmoniously! Thanks everyone for the advice!
That is great news!! thank you for updating. They are amazing.
Just an update for everyone, the ducks bill is healing up really well! I've went ahead and put her back out, and made certain the offending hen can't get to her. I stayed out with her to make sure the other two chickens weren't going to pick at her, and everything it going harmoniously! Thanks everyone for the advice!

Yay to both of you!!!

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