injured duck leg

i dont mean to be mean to everyone on the form because i know that there are some that are helpful but this is upsetting to me how many posts in others asap but mine even after the duck was killed because of lack of info from others i dont get a response
So sorry to hear about the duck!! And I understand your frustration, I've posted several topics here before that have had little or no response. It's really frustrating when it's something important!!
i know it was my freinds and i was oh im a member to a fourm and they are nice i will have an answer asap and now she is dead and there is only one lone duck left they all have have died and i feel like it could of been saved if I got some input...
I am sorry the duck died. But it is not because of the people here. The owner could have called a vet or done their own research.
im sorry you assume that everything is fine everywhere some people dont have flippin duck doctors everywhere vets here wont take ducks and i believe if it was treated it would of lived. i blame people like you who just say go to a vet or who care not my problem for the death of the duck. i cant believe people can be so rude and mean...

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