Injured Goose


In the Brooder
Apr 7, 2020
I think she is a Toulouse. She is limping bad and has a large, soft knot on her foot.
Could you clean her foot and then post a picture? It's hard to see with mud cached around it? Why is her bill black?
Yes, I’ll clean her foot good and take another pic. I didn’t find anything stuck in her foot are any kind of wound, which seems odd. She’s always had a black bill. Is this not a Tolouse?
Hi gang! This is Arkychickdude’s Mrs. 🤗

He was out there when he noticed her limping up near the barn. The ducks were ready to go to bed so when he let them in and went to close the gate she trotted/limped further down closer to the pond.
She, Tango, was no where near the rest of the gaggle. She has however been laying her eggs by our front porch. By watching the gaggle politics, there has been some fighting going on. We’re unsure if she got hurt that way or injured possibly in thickets trying to get to the pond the long way around.
There is NO way possible she’s been burned. It has however been raining 5-6 days then cloudy a couple then back to rain!
These being rescue geese someone gave us, we were informed of them to be Toulouse. We are unsure of that now having a couple hatch out.
When he gets home today he plans to pick her up and clean the foot. He couldn’t find a wound, just a swollen foot. So it’s up to this evening. As for her beak? It’s always been that color. The other two have nice orange ones.
Any help is always appreciated as I’ve always felt comforted about the experience I find here. My husband has been finding this place useful as well. That’s why he joined. Our birds are our children, ideas always favored upon. 🤗

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