Injured leg - what to look for?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 12, 2009
Today, my daughter was out playing with the chickens. I didn't see what happened but apparently she was holding our California White Leghorn (18 weeks old). She wanted down and flew off - in quite a commotion (she freaks out at the littlest things). The dog got in the mix trying to see what was going on. Not sure if that exacerbated the situation (stepped on, nudged or just freaked her out) as she usually leaves them completely alone or if she just had a bad landing. She can't support her weight on her left side. I examined her leg...feeling up and down it and the joint for any obvious breaks but I don't see/feel anything. She doesn't complain when I manipulate the leg and the toes do curl. She is keeping that leg up under her and resting on her right side. There are no visible wounds either.

I've brought her in where it's warm outside to prevent shock and have food and water directly in front of her. She has eaten a couple of hand fed meal worms too.

The injury is only about an hour old. Wondering if I should splint her leg as a precaution? Or somehow wrap it to her to prevent her from trying to use it? (She hopped/dragged herself to another spot in the dog crate a few minutes ago). I don't want to make the situation any worse but also want to give her the best chance of recovery. Should I extend the leg and brace the whole thing for a couple of days? (I have a friend who's chicken has a cast the entire length of her leg) or just let her rest and wait it out to see what the best method is.

I don't really have the funds to find a vet who will treat and xray a chicken. I'm seeing many success stories on here and really don't want to have to cull her as she is a pet. Feeling awful. Any advice would be very helpful!!!
I put it in the title...but also, is there something in particular I should be looking for? Is the fact that she's curling her toes and bending her leg up good (eg muscle pull not broken bone?).

Also, the the dog crate has no roosts in it and has a nice deep litter of dry pine shavings so she has a nice 'nest' to lay on.

Thanks again!!! Any and all advice is appreciated.
Check to see if she has the Achilles tendon slipped out of its groove in one of her hocks. This is explained on the Poultry Podiatry page in my sig.
This needs to be treated ASAP if it's what happened, but it's something you can likely treat yourself.
Check to see if she has the Achilles tendon slipped out of its groove in one of her hocks. This is explained on the Poultry Podiatry page in my sig.
This needs to be treated ASAP if it's what happened, but it's something you can likely treat yourself.

Thank you. I found the poultry podiatry website the first evening of has been very helpful!!! That first evening, I extended the girl's leg back as described for a slipped tendon. She did seem more comfortable afterward but still won't bear weight on it. There is no swelling or hot spots. She does seem to be making improvements and getting around better on her good leg. She has started to extend the bad one...although she doesn't put weight on it. I'm taking it as a good sign though and am hoping that it's all on the mend.

She's become quite the love the past couple of days. I probably would too if I were being hand fed and groomed every couple of hours. :)

Thanks again for the suggestions. I'll update as I see improvements.
I'm glad you were able to find the site & it was helpful.

It sounds like you're giving her some great TLC & there are good signs she may be healing. I hope she does!

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