Injured/ Mauled Chick Leg


Jul 19, 2016
Our around 5 week old chicks were attacked possibly by a racoon about 4 days ago, 1 has an injured leg. It is hobbling around on its good leg, while dragging around its injured leg. It's missing feathers and skin. I wasn't able to see any puncture marks. I've cleaned it out the best I could, and apply neosporin to it every night. The skin itself seems to be healing up. It's eating and drinking good, but it does not move the injured leg or foot at all. I'm wondering if it could be permanently injured or maybe it is broken? Since it's had a couple days to rest up, it seems to be peeping a lot more. I just want to make sure it's not peeping out of pain. Want to make sure it's not suffering.

Made an appointment with the nearest vet that will see chickens.. an exotic bird/animal hospital. $65 for them just to look at it.. but it's worth it to make sure it isn't suffering. Just wanted opinions if someone has gone through something similar.. have never had an injured bird before.

I just wanted to give an update for anyone using this as a resource if they are going through a similar situation.

The vet told me because the skin was ripped off that it would not grow back. Also, there were tendons torn and signification nerve damage- hence why the chick was not moving its toes and dragging it's foot around. The vet suggested that even if we amputated the leg, that 1-legged chickens do not do well as they are top heavy birds and would be prone to bumble foot because they were always putting their full weight on that foot with no rest.

The vet suggested and we agreed that the best thing to do was to humanely euthanize it. I'm so sad because I really wanted this baby to make it, but we have to do what is best for it. Good luck to anyone else dealing with a injured chicken!

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