Injured Wyandotte


6 Years
Feb 24, 2013
Hello! I have a six week old Wyandotte that attempted to fly up onto the roost from underneath and hit her "chin" on the board. She immediately fell back and then got up and walked off in a daze. She appeared to be alright and so I left the coop. When I returned the next morning her head was tucked underneath her chest and couldn't seem to straighten her neck up. She's been like this for the last 4 days. She's eating and drinking and getting around alright. I talked to the gal at my local feed store and she said that it could be a concussion or just really sore and that she may take a couple of weeks to heal. Does anyone have any experience with something like this? Any thoughts on what we might do to help her? Could this be a permanent condition for her or should she heal? Any info would be great as we are first time chicken owners and do love them! Thanks!
search wry neck. I once dropped a HUGE cement block on a chickens head (I felt terrible). I thought for sure it was dead but nope she lived it took about a week for her to not walk goofy and act normal, she recovered 100%
Thanks for your help! I looked up wry neck and will be picking up some of the recommended "meds" for Zuzu tomorrow. I'm now hopeful that she will make a full recovery. I'm glad to hear that yours did. I love my chickens and hate to see her suffering.

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