Innocent Deckoks - Introduction


In the Brooder
Dec 2, 2020

My name is Innocent Deckoks from Kenya and I am interested in setting up a poultry farm, for commercial purposes. Came across the site and feel it would be of great help to my intended endeavor. Looking forward to collaborate and share more. Find herein my LinkedIn Profile where we can also connect.
Welcome to BYC! Hope you enjoy it here! :)
Welcome to BYC. :frow
You might not find what you need here. The goal here is not to make money raising chickens in large scale commercial production. The vast majority (all?) of us here raise chickens on a small scale and I know of no one personally that makes any money at it!
Welcome to BYC. :frow
You might not find what you need here. The goal here is not to make money raising chickens in large scale commercial production. The vast majority (all?) of us here raise chickens on a small scale and I know of no one personally that makes any money at it!

X2. We here love chickens but not commercially.

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