Insides coming out of belly button

Whew! I was worried. How is it going otherwise? How is the chick doing? Does the succession of pics help at all? Do you have any questions. I'll clarify anything I can.
trying again Screenshot_20170520-194720.png Screenshot_20170520-194720.png
All I could get my hands on at the time was a set of tweezers from my nail art supplies. They were too sharp for my liking so I had to be extra careful not to make a hole in the intestines. Not ideal.

You're doing a great job. You have to go really slow and replace little amounts at a time right at the base of the hole. If the chick struggled, I put my finger on the hole and just kept the replaced intestines from being pushed out. Then I'd work at it again a little bit at a time.

There was a lot of intestine out. See if it makes it easier to replace if you tip the chick back or even upside down so gravity helps.
If you have a rounded end set of tweezers it may help...but I was not really using them as tweezers...but more like what you're doing. The membrane is so fragile you can't really pinch it with tweezers. Or at least I was afraid to do that.
One thing I just noticed...and maybe you're just holding the chick like that for the pictures...but if you're holding the legs against the chicks body, that may be putting pressure on the abdomen making it harder to replace them.

I left the one leg out and held the other leg to the side. If you have someone to hold the legs...have the legs out and have the other person hold them. It may give more room. But whatever you do don't allow him to get his feet to catch the intestines.
Oh my goodness! Many prayers going out to your chick! You are an amazing person for taking care of the problem rather then letting the chick die horribly (that means all of you).
Love and light! :fl

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