Installed a automatic chicken door


In the Brooder
10 Years
Sep 24, 2009
North Texas
I installed a new automatic chicken door on the coop yesterday, I use the light timer to open and close it. The chickens go in about 6:45 PM so the timer is set to close at 7:00 PM and open at 6:45 AM. Now that winter is coming on it will be nice not to have to go out and close and open the coop every day. I was going to use a remote system but the timer will work better when I am not at home. It worked great last night and this morning.

Great job. Question though - what if a chicken is on her way in or out? Will the door close on her and crush her, or will it stop like an elevator or garage door? This occurred to me because mine like to roost on the doorstoop itself while considering going in for the night.
Had to look twice, trying to figure out how it works. Then I realized the pix are sideways, and the tubular thing is the weight. Did you use a drapery motor?
Sure would be nice not to have to go out there so early!

As a matter of fact I had a chicken sitting in the door when I was testing it, it makes some noise and moves slow the chicken was long gone before the door closed and the door is aluminum and very light.
I also have one of these and love it!! I set mine to close well after all the hens are in...mine's set to close around 9:00 p.m. Now that it get dark earlier, I will adjust.
Where did you purchase this wonderful device? Does it have its own timer? great idea to use diamondplate. Looks good.
I have the same setup. It works awsome.
What I did was off to the right of the moter about 2 feet I added a scew in eye hook and ran the
string for the counter weight through that to keep it from getting fetched up in the door.
You will have to cut the side of the drapery moter cover a little bit just enough to allow the string
to work and not pop the cover off.
Can I ask what that mental channal stuff is that your door slides in? I have looked for something just like that!! What is it called and where can I get some?

Brilliant set up!!

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