Integrating chicks into flock at 4 weeks old.

Because I didn't really have a safe place for the littles to run outside, and there's only 1 me and 4 of them :) I might try doing an "in the coop" with the doors shut visit once I get them a couple of places to run to safety in there like aart talked about in his post. That's why I was thinking a couple of totes would work, because they won't be visiting without me, period. They'll be outside or sleeping and those activities both take place in "see but don't touch" areas.

I expected some pecking, but not the jumping on and pecking. Poor wee thing with a bird 4 times her size standing on her. Is this normal?
It would be good to start a new thread showing pics of your coop and run.
I might try doing an "in the coop" with the doors shut visit once I get them a couple of places to run to safety in there like aart talked about in his post.
Seems like they are more vulnerable in a small area which the older chickens already hold claim to.

I agree with @aart, it is easier to make suggestions if we know what you are working with.
I don't have a run. At all. My bigs run the acreage. Coop is a 6x12 coop, dedicated purpose. Roosts and nest boxes sort of thing. I'll try and get some pictures, but it's just a walk-in shed in the form of a rectangle.
I don't have a run. At all. My bigs run the acreage. Coop is a 6x12 coop, dedicated purpose. Roosts and nest boxes sort of thing. I'll try and get some pictures, but it's just a walk-in shed in the form of a rectangle.
yes pictures are needed. Sounds like your set up is similar to mine. I dont have a run either, just a. barn, divided up into coops, and an open space which is where they all hang out in 4-5 months of deep snowy weather. Sounds like you need to divide up the coop somehow. And you can't really let 5 wk old run free unless you are ok with losing some to predators. I know that here (I live surrounded by forest) we have birds of prey, weasel, fox, coyote, racoon, fisher and skunk and my 5 -7 week olds mostly hang near the opening of the barn, and definitely stay inside the barn yard.

And absolutely letting ONE little out to mingle is the opposite of what you should do. I usually pick the head hen and put 20+ littles in with her. what's she gonna do? after some chasing and pecking she gives up and goes about her chicken business.
I am absolutely ok losing some to predators though my bigs have been out running since 8 weeks old with no issue. I love your idea of overwhelming the head lady. Thing is my bigs haven't gone through puberty yet, so I can't tell who the head hen is. They're only 16 weeks old. I couldn't find any old pics, I'll have to take some tomorrow.
Tossed mine in the run at 2 weeks old. Bantams too 😂

I did the same with 3 6-week old bantams a month ago. Now they’re eating beak to beak and roosting right up there with the big hens.

I realized how do-able this was when I saw how fast the 2 weeks old chicks of my antisocial broody mom adapted to the flock. They learned to roost themselves at 3 weeks, even before the broody figured it out.

Having a crate where the chicks can run in and out between the bars to get away from bullies is pretty critical to success.

Since 2 days ago, I have had them free range with the older birds in the evenings as well.

Here are pics of my coop and the littles' pen. The bigs are currently keeping them company and snacking on mealy worms.

I'd like to be very clear that I am not willing to construct anything structural or buy anything that I can't go pick up at the Dollar General to integrate them. So please keep suggestions low tech, and something I can accomplish in 60 minutes or less. I am in decent physical condition and able bodied. I do have scrap wood, fasteners and tools with which I could build a crate or something.

How do they and you get in and out of it?
I move them manually every morning and night. It's just some safety fencing and step in poles with some fruit netting on top. There's really no way to put a door in. But maybe I could put a chute... I really would prefer to let them run in the coop vs. outside though. The pen is to keep them out of my barn cat moreso than anything else.

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