Integrating chicks to chicks


Jun 13, 2022
Hi there,

I’m picking up week old chicks from 2 different breeders next week (npip certified if that matters). The chicks will be the same age, give or take a few days. Do I need to quarantine then integrate? Being that they’re so young, could I integrate them right away?

If you want to quarantine, put them near each other so they can see and hear each other. I don't know how long you would quarantine.

I found that chicks that age have no trouble getting along. They won't be territorial for a another couple of weeks. They will probably end up setting up different subsets with like hanging out with like (my Orpingtons and Barred Rocks divide along breed lines, but they are all friends).
If you want to quarantine, put them near each other so they can see and hear each other.
That's segregation but not quarantine which would be different building, different clothes etc.

I found that chicks that age have no trouble getting along. They won't be territorial for a another couple of weeks.
Very much agree with this statement. :thumbsup

I’m picking up week old chicks from 2 different breeders next week (npip certified if that matters)
Welcome to BYC! :frow

NPIP only test for certain things depending on which state your in.. They don't test for or consider other things such as Marek's even reportable. I still value what little protection is offered by NPIP participants.

For me true quarantine in virtually impossible, there's simply not enough distance on my property.. I'd probably be merging them chicks.

I hope all are healthy, strong, and thrive! :jumpy:jumpy
I’m picking up week old chicks from 2 different breeders next week (npip certified if that matters). The chicks will be the same age, give or take a few days. Do I need to quarantine then integrate? Being that they’re so young, could I integrate them right away?
A lot of that depends on how the breeders have managed them. If they have been exposed to their other chickens they could be carrying a disease or parasite. If they have been isolated from the rest of the chickens them it is unlikely they have been exposed to anything.

Chicken diseases or parasites can be spread by chickens sharing space or eating or drinking from the same sources. Just using the same bucket to carry food or water to both groups could spread some things. Wearing the same shoes to take care of both groups could track some things to each other. Some diseases are spread by mosquitoes. Some can be spread by creepy crawlies they eat. Some can spread on the wind. This is why it is so challenging for most of us to get a good quarantine. If they can see each other then it is not a good quarantine.

Many people fool themselves into thinking they have quarantined while they really haven't. They usually still don't have serious problems. But the potential is always there. Some people have introduced something that is just devastating. You just never know what will happen.

If those breeders maintain a closed flock, which means their chickens have not been exposed to other strange chickens recently, they have essentially been in quarantine, just not at your place. Of course you'd have to trust the breeders to tell you the truth if they did see anything.

To me it's not an easy question. The potential for something devastating is there, but the odds of that actually happening to you are pretty slim.

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