Integrating one young bird


6 Years
Feb 27, 2017
I think I've officially entered crazy chicken lady status, there's a chicken sleeping in my bedroom

Anyhow, we went to our local fair type thing and they held a "chicken chase" where they let kids chase chickens around and if they catch one, they get to keep them. My 4 and 5 year olds both participated, but didn't catch anything. My 4 year old was crying and an older boy that caught one decided to give him the chicken he caught. Sorry. Random back story. The one we brought home (Tulip) is roughly 1/3 the size of our 3 year old hens, we have no idea how old she is. After we quarantine for a little while, what is the best way to introduce her to our ladies? I'm worried with her size that they are going to really pick on her. She still peeps, doesn't even have a cluck yet!


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Best way is to have her in a separate coop and run where the others can see her but can't get to her. If you don't have that, then a dog crate placed in the coop or run. Should be ok in a few days.
Best way is to have her in a separate coop and run where the others can see her but can't get to her. If you don't have that, then a dog crate placed in the coop or run. Should be ok in a few days.

We do have a dog crate she can be in inside their run, but it won't fit inside their coop. I'm also worried she'll be too cold at night if she's in the crate and not able to get up into the coop. At what age are they usually okay to be outside overnight? We're dropping down into the 50's I think the next few nights
She looks quite well feathered out! Can you fit a box in the crate with hay or bedding for her to take cover. I have a large dog crate and actua7 attached a dog house to it... my 3 little one are in it inside the bigger chicks run, hoping to get them all use to each other. At nite the big chicks go in their coop and little ones go in the dog house... all temporary I hope! Good luck with your chicks adventure
She looks quite well feathered out! Can you fit a box in the crate with hay or bedding for her to take cover. I have a large dog crate and actua7 attached a dog house to it... my 3 little one are in it inside the bigger chicks run, hoping to get them all use to each other. At nite the big chicks go in their coop and little ones go in the dog house... all temporary I hope! Good luck with your chicks adventure
I will definitely try to rig something up for her :) it may be slightly difficult because our ladies coop and run is rather small. They free range during the day so they don't actually use their run as a run, if that makes any sense. It's more of a shady spot where we keep their food and water, they don't spend a lot of time in it. I'll see what I can come up with though :) the new little lady is so sweet, she follows us around and especially loves the kids. It's like she knows she's a kid too, haha.
Oh she is gonna be one special chick for sure! Love this story!
My husband is laughing at me because I told him I think our best bet is to build the second coop we have been talking about with the attached, but seperatable runs and get Tulip some friends her age, so she's not alone. She's so spoiled already! Haha. Is this how chicken math happens!?
Love that idea
It is very contagious I must say. Chickemath...yeeesss I think that's how it works. I lost all my flock from original flock 1 by 1 to bobcats.. Hawks.. raccoons.. fox...over 2 years.
This is my new batch and stricter plans in place including electric fence ..
Love this adventure and my sweet chicks. Here's to a good life Tulip❣️
Love that idea
It is very contagious I must say. Chickemath...yeeesss I think that's how it works. I lost all my flock from original flock 1 by 1 to bobcats.. Hawks.. raccoons.. fox...over 2 years.
This is my new batch and stricter plans in place including electric fence ..
Love this adventure and my sweet chicks. Here's to a good life Tulip❣️
I love that idea too, only we just agreed that we would build the 2nd coop until next Spring when we're ready for a larger group of younger birds, haha. Might just have to get ready sooner than later.
If you can section off that run for the day time, placing the feed bowls close to the fence, so that they do some safe interactions. Bring her back in at night for a bit or take the dog kennel into the garage or house. (Your husband is very tolerant, mine would be committing me) for a couple of days. Then lock the laying hens outside the set up for the day, allowing the newly to explore the run and coop set up. Having some hide outs is good, chase her a bit so she finds them. A one way gate is a VERY GOOD idea. Just big enough for the little one to go into, and the big ones can't follow.

I don't think you need a new coop yet, but I do have two and it is fun!

Mrs K

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