Integrating outdoor cats with chickens

Within the last two weeks, someone apparently dumped three adult cats -- two orange males and a very pregnant tortoiseshell out here. None has shown any interest in the chickens. One of the males, who likes to follow me around, is terrified of the hissing geese.

Same male was stalking and caught a sparrow this week -- then let it go. Guess they prefer having me serve meals served to them, rather than having to catch dinner.
That's sad if someone dumped them. I wonder if they were mostly indoor cats. That hunting experience reminds me of how my indoor cats hunt. They are a lot more into the stalk and catch than the actual kill.
One of the three new strays shows every indication of having been an indoor cat. They all showed up at the same time and all get along well together. ONE male clearly wants to be in the house and spends time staring wistfully into the basement window where he can see two cats, lolling about and living the good life.

Ozzie Orangecat, as he is now known, loves to be played with and likes to show his belly for attention. If two dogs didn't block his entrance, he would like to slip through the kitchen door.

The other male is getting increasingly closer but doesn't want to be touched, and the female keeps her distance.
Can't think of anyone or anything that would want to face attack by a "ferocious ball of feathers."

Many a stray and/or feral cat shows up here, and not a one has bothered my chickens. I've been surprised more than once when all the girls are loose to spot a cat lounging around near them. No one sounds an alarm or seems at all concerned.

But, I would be concerned about what would a cat might do with tiny chicks. Mine don't leave the indoor brooder until they are at least six weeks old, so it hasn't been a problem here.

Good luck dealing with the rodents!
Thank you! Sounds like the consensus is my chickens are safe if they are over 6 weeks and they are. So that's great news!

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