Integration a success?


In the Brooder
Mar 29, 2020
West Texas
I posted a few days ago about moving my 3 Easter eggers into the run so my Wyandotte’s and them could get used to each other. There wasn’t Much noise or any issues so yesterday I let them all together.

The wyandottes are doing their regular routine, while keep going to the eggers to check them out. No sounds of being upset or serious pecking. The eggers however get scared and run away anytime they get close! Everyone went up to the coop last night and again no damage done to anyone. So is this successful integration? Will the eggers eventually chill out a bit?
To me a successful integration is that none get hurt. So far, so good. Have you been to the coop this morning? How were they?

Reading your other thread,

They are still immature as Aart said, and there is a maturity difference. It's normal for my chicks to form a sub-flock and avoid the more mature until they all reach maturity. With pullets that's usually about the time they start to lay. Your EE's are a long way away from laying so don't expect them to be cuddling with the others anytime soon. 6th grade girls are not going to be hanging with high school sophomores at the mall but they can peacefully coexist as long as they keep their distance.
Thank you so much for the reply! This morning everyone is fine, the eggers came out for a bit and went back up to the coop. The Wyandotte’s are just chilling in their normal spot for this time. They don’t seem to care at all there are 3 newbies around.
I was holding my breath when u opened the coop this morning lol always expecting the worst, ya know?
should I shut the coop from them if they don’t start coming out more or just let them do things their way?

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