Interested in egglayers and do not want to cull males...does that mean don't get chickens?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 24, 2013
I was interested in getting a few bantam chickens for my aviary. I would like to buy hatching eggs so they can imprint on me. Is there a breed of chicken/quail that can produce a decent amount of eggs where i can have an even ratio of males to females? Any extremely docile breeds? I don't want to cull any birds, I don't even eat meat, or give away the male birds to questionable homes. I mainly just want peace and harmony and some fresh eggs would be great, even if its not huge quantities...I know it's a long shot...but thanks in advance for feedback!

Also my aviary is only 4' wide by 6' deep which is why I want small bantams or quail. I plan on maybe 4 max if I end up getting seramas, and probablly 2 for a large bantam. It'll vary alot off the size and activity level... Also the reason I want them so tame is because I want them to alot of free run in the house when I'm home. Chasing down and catching frightened birds is not something I wish to do on a daily basis.
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Hi there, I will get back to you soon with some info..
Hi again, Here's the info:
It seems like a Wyandotte is best for you. It's a reasonable layer, an excellent broody and a good mother as well. Wyandotte's are also friendly and docile, and they only need a low fence. So please tell me how you go with your chickens. Good luck as well!
Thanks for the info! Would 4' by 6' be enough for two of the bantam variety?
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Cool thatll work. I'll probablly just stick with two to keep down on waste. I forgot that if I only get two it'll work out either way, 2 hens, 2 roosters, or a rooster and a hen shouldn't be a problem either way...
I know you want to hatch your own, but if you buy some day-olds or find a local chicken person you can get from on hatching day, you could go with a sex-link to be sure you get only females. My golden sex-links are very docile, they can be held and petted, they follow me around like puppies, they'll even jump up in my lap if I am sitting outside or try to get in my car if they are around when I get in to leave somewhere. I just made sure I spent plenty of time with them as they were growing and maintain that now that they are grown. I got them at 2 days old from a seller.
Yea, I agree, go with sexed hatched pullets so you know what you are getting. It's not 100% but more than likely, you'll end up with hens. And even though they are a few days old at that point, if you handle them and offer treats out of your hands, trust me, they will imprint on you.
Yeah I was thinking that, perfect idea, but I can't find a local hatchery (near detroit michigan) with day old sex-links and I would never want to put newly hatched birds through the shipping process. *Brainstroming* atleast I have a month or two to figure it out..
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