Interesting article... What is this going to mean for backyarders like most of us?

Yes an updating of the organization to follow a law passed in 1950 and signed by President Truman during the Korean War. This 60 year old law gets revised and updated to keep it in line with government reorganization. I'd imagine the roles of FEMA and Homeland Security have changed a bit. All agencies need to understand what their roles are and who is responsible for what so they can act together and not fight turf wars or say "not my job" during a national emergency.

If there was anything sinister to this don't you think the Republican candidates would be blasting it all over the airways?
Yeah, that looks like an unbiased and informative website. LOL Blogs are a good place to talk about news, but not a good place to GET news that helps you make rationale decisions. Headlines+Hysteria+Clickcounts=$$$$$

If you are REALLY worried about how the APHIS regulations will affect you, look at their website. They have TONS of publications available, a search engine to sort them and you can send an email asking for clarification. Also, there are ombudsman services available for free to small entities who have a conflict with action against them by the USDA.
This one comes up regularly. I'm not even going to bother looking it up again but just go from memory. This is about cattle, not chickens. If you look up the details, practically all of us conscerned with chickens are exempt unless you are a fairly major commerial operations or doing business across state or international borders. Those are covered under different legislation. This does not change any requirements for hatcheries shipping that they don't have to follow anyway from other existing legislation.
Get as fired up as you want about something you read about on the internet. Your choice. I choose not to get carried away by something like that until I check the details.
NPIP has taken a disease that used to be pretty common, Pullorum, and now made it pretty rare. It is a government program that actually worked. Pullorum is not totally eradicated, just tremendously reduced. Each state has their own requirements, which can vary quite a bit, and I've read there are a couple of states that choose to not participate in the program. I think Hawaii might be one because they have their own program due to their unique situation being as isolated as they are.

Yes an updating of the organization to follow a law passed in 1950 and signed by President Truman during the Korean War. This 60 year old law gets revised and updated to keep it in line with government reorganization. I'd imagine the roles of FEMA and Homeland Security have changed a bit. All agencies need to understand what their roles are and who is responsible for what so they can act together and not fight turf wars or say "not my job" during a national emergency.
If there was anything sinister to this don't you think the Republican candidates would be blasting it all over the airways?

it becomes sinister when they change the wording like 'non emergency' which was not in any other president's executive order. the republicans are in on it or they would impeach the kenyan imposter. executive orders and czars =dictatorship.
Lean on your Representatives, dammit!

Ring their phones off the hook, mail, e-mail........... STAND UP AGAINST ANOTHER INVASIVE REGULATORY INVASION ON PRIVATE PROPERTY!!!!

We did not VOTE for these bureaucrats to regulate us into utter submission. ENOUGH ALREADY!

Contact your Congress-Critter here ***

"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."
Thomas Jefferson

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