Interesting flock


In the Brooder
Jul 13, 2022
We have had chickens for at least 15 years. Unfortunately, we have had problems with Raccoons multiple times and had to replace our flocks. We have incubated and hatched out 2 batches of chickens, and also pheasants.
Right now, we have 2 hybrids that we call "Peackens", they are from our black Australorp hen and Indian blue Peacock (which has since passed away). We have 2 roosters, 4 hens, and 5 new chicks and not sure gender yet.
We love to interact with our chickens and watch them, and it is a great learning opportunity for our 13 years old.
We are a family of artists and hunters.
I am an art teacher, husband works construction doing gas pipe. We also have a dog, a cat and a guinea pig!
Here is a Youtube video we made to tell the interesting story of how we ended up with our hybrids, they just turned 2!
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Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
I thought that Peafowl and chickens had too much genetic difference to produce offspring.
That's what we thought too! But we only had the two birds (the peacock and the hen) and she became we just let her do her thing and 3 chicks hatched! They basically look like her coloring and a peacock body. They make the strangest noise also!

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