Interesting thing my vet told us tonight about dogs and allergies.

So diamond is also taste of wild? Or the same company makes it? and what do you mean about recalls? Thanks
That's a great point! A vet can EASILY draw blood and send it out for a full allergy panel. It is pricey at our vet as well, but quicker than trial and error!

Yes, it is much faster. The important thing to remember is that all that digging on those open sores and exposure to bacteria can easily set up staph which can be a killer! It is very important to get it taken care of as quickly as you can. My Mom lost a Scotty to this years ago and I wish we had had the vet I have now back then. If we had, Rascal would still be alive today!
Don't delay, it can be very dangerous and once it reaches a certain point, there is nothing they can do.

yes..last year he had a huge, huge wound on his back end..he would not stop chewing....that was another vet trip... and the collar of shame..
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have you tried blue buffalo fish and salmon formula. that one is expensive. It works really well fofr dogs with skin infections. Mine is a little one, and thats what I feed her.
I'll have to look for that one.. I know that i want to try him on salmon...
Taste of the Wild is made by Diamond Pet Foods, as is Chicken Soup For the Dog Lover's Soul. They also make Premium Edge, which I unwittingly bought a couple of weeks ago and there is now a recall on the cat formula. Diamond have a checkered past to say the least, including aflatoxin contamination in 2005/2006 (the FDA received 41 reports of poisoning and 23 of canine deaths in November 2005, 100 canine and one feline death in December 2005), and melamine contamination in 2007. They had to pay out over $3 million in compensation as a result of the aflatoxin poisoning but would not admit any wrongdoing. The toxin is carcinogenic and can also cause liver failure, so there may be some long-term effects.

ETA Apparently they also make the Kirkland brand found at Costco.
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when you think of those dogs that have beef, chicken and even lamb alergies, stop and think for a moment, those animals are mostly fed on grains and ESPECIALLY-CORN!

unless you can find a dogfood that has cattle and poultry fed on what they naturally graze on and not a majority of grains and corn then you should be fine. especially if you are trying the raw food diets. i see farm raised fish shortly heading down that same path as most production farm raised animals have been over the last few decades-all corn/grain fed and nothing they would naturally eat.

when researching for the breed of dog i wanted i decided i wanted to go with the corgi. the difference i found out between the Pembroke and the Cardigan is that the Cardigan needed extra fish and oyster shell added to their diet due to the region in England they originated from-a seaside area that relied heavily on its fishing industry. i ended up with the Pembroke but i make sure to give him fish once in awhile as a bonus. i've been cautious about giving him dogfood mostly based on grains/corn. but i think now i'll start looking for the salmon or fish based foods. i've been noticing his scratching and dry skin and now i'm thinking that might be the cause.
You have a tsc tractor supply in your area? They carry it. Its a lot cheaper to buy it from them then it is a pet shop.

yes, i have one pretty close by me. Thanks i'll look into it!

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