International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

I am sorry to hear you have not been well. I know what you mean. I have to keep going for the animals. I guess it is a good thing in a way. You can't give up they depend on you. I hope conditions improve for you. I think it is looking like a pullet but I can't see how it stands and its general attitude. That cocky way! lol
Thank you! That is what I thought at first a pullet but then that comb is a little big. I am going to try another hatch. I have to make sure the eggs are fertile or not.
I don't mind! I have a complicated situation. Diabetes is pretty much everyone on my Dad's side of family. Then add to that 2 autoimmune disorders. I went keto/ low carb 3 1/2 years ago thinking it would keep me from being diabetic. I am now pre diabetic and with the 2 autoimmune disorders. The Doctor told me I had to limit the amount of all vegetables. I already had cut out all grains, potatoes, fruit, sugar all processed foods even carrots because of the high sugar content. So food is really my enemy because my body attacks itself. I get really tired of eating the same things all the time. I have a difficult time getting around anymore they are sending me to arthritis doctor.

can you eat celery root and lemon? if you do I will look for the recipe that will help with diabetes. a neighbor of mine had a diabetes issue recently and made this staff with celery root and lemon.
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can you eat celery root and lemon? if you do I will look for the recipe that will help with diabetes. a neighbor of mine had a diabetes issue recently and made this staff with celery root and lemon.
Please share but I think it would depend on how much lemon. I will ask my Dr. On lemon next visit. Thank you!

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