International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

Hi Keith. My other option is this one. I don't like his colouring as much but has a decent start on tail but comb is hideous


I agree with you on his comb. From the pics he looks to have good type (rectangular body), nice eyes, good copper spotting on the breast and nice red shoulders. His copper hackles and saddle feathers are not as rich as the first cockerel you posted. His tail looks to be better as well.

You could breed from both cockerels, if mated to the correct hens to offset their faults, to see what type of progeny they produce. If you can only keep one Cockerel then the first cockerel may be the way to go.

Take Care,


here what i see .
cockerel ; great body type
back long and flat
tail .nice shape ,seem a little longer from this angle . nice form ( wide at the base )
chest .wide and deep ,pure black better if was a little spotted with copper . some they prefer it black
head .strong and thick
comb= good not great .need to be higher at the back and the points should be well spaced . only loss points at the show not a disqualification
beak . thick well formed and well colored
wattles gorgeous .nice shape /form
legs straight ,good color ,well feathered and nicely spaced

Fault = shanks with a white feather ( parasitic white )
eyes .gorgeous color

Pullet 10 out of 10 .at this stage , body type , plumage type .hackle marking . leg feathering all great
we have to wait to see the comb and the egg color

my hat to your breeder .bravo

chooks man

I agree with you on his comb. From the pics he looks to have good type (rectangular body), nice eyes, good copper spotting on the breast and nice red shoulders. His copper hackles and saddle feathers are not as rich as the first cockerel you posted. His tail looks to be better as well.

You could breed from both cockerels, if mated to the correct hens to offset their faults, to see what type of progeny they produce. If you can only keep one Cockerel then the first cockerel may be the way to go.

Take Care,
Thanks. For now I will just keep the first one and see what I get with my young ones that are growing out. Then maybe keep 1 from that group or 2 and get rid of this first one.
he is stressed ,he should not be the hens .

when you get him ,pen him separate from the other . just by him self with just water , tell he get used to you
ration feed him ones or twice a day small portion .so he ll learn to wait for you to feed him .
a same way as when we train the chooks for the show .get him used to be touched by you and handled .
when you feel he s calm mix him with a hens

chooks man
Thank you chooks man. I will do just as you say.

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