International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

I know, but they're so expensive! I think you have a good mix going, there. Bev focuses more on egg color. I think, I think, LP breeds more to the SOP. One of her cockerels won reserve of breed.

LP has the best BCM .they are as pure as they get
I like Bev Davis line too .my favorite marans breeder after Monique Berte .
Marans chooks breed has always been since the start of time, lead by strong woman breeders.
my hat to all those great Ladies . Respect

chooks man
I know, but they're so expensive! I think you have a good mix going, there. Bev focuses more on egg color. I think, I think, LP breeds more to the SOP. One of her cockerels won reserve of breed.
Yes they are. Out of two orders i have only had 4 babies hatch. Some never developed, and three appeared to stop developing after a week. I am very lucky to have the ones that I have. Hatching shipped eggs is such a risk. I would adore being able to hatch an LP cockerel, but that may never happen for me. Best of luck to you if you purchase some of her eggs:)


here what i see .
cockerel ; great body type
back long and flat
tail .nice shape ,seem a little longer from this angle . nice form ( wide at the base )
chest .wide and deep ,pure black better if was a little spotted with copper . some they prefer it black
head .strong and thick
comb= good not great .need to be higher at the back and the points should be well spaced . only loss points at the show not a disqualification
beak . thick well formed and well colored
wattles gorgeous .nice shape /form
legs straight ,good color ,well feathered and nicely spaced

Fault = shanks with a white feather ( parasitic white )
eyes .gorgeous color

Pullet 10 out of 10 .at this stage , body type , plumage type .hackle marking . leg feathering all great
we have to wait to see the comb and the egg color

my hat to your breeder .bravo

chooks man
Thank you crooks man, that was great! Do the white feathers go when fully moulted into adult, he has some pen feathers still in there
I have never heard of Monique Berte. Is she overseas?

yeah she is a French . number 1 marans breeder of our time . over 35 years of breeding true marans .many varieties . she start breeding marans in the early 80 s .
she give a lot free fertile eggs . she send them all over the world .

very kind lady
she is helping me to recreate many lost varieties . she knows her marans

Go to marans Aspirans ( French forum created by Monique ) you can see her work

Chooks man
yeah she is a French . number 1 marans breeder of our time . over 35 years of breeding true marans .many varieties . she start breeding marans in the early 80 s .
she give a lot free fertile eggs . she send them all over the world .

very kind lady
she is helping me to recreate many lost varieties . she knows her marans

Go to marans Aspirans ( French forum created by Monique ) you can see her work

Chooks man
I can't find it. Can you send me a link?

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