International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

Sorry so late...Merry Christmas! (wish I could stamp on a Marans egg lol)


I have been waiting to see those princes photos for a long time . I m so pleased you posted them .

great body type
great hackle marking
great back
great head
great shanks feathering
great mass

the tails and the combs are they weakest point .

here what I see if I was going to breed from them .
1st hen on the right with a straight comb . I ll breed the comb line from her .
the Middle hen with a gorgeous pointed and well angled tail ( bent comb) I ll breed the tail line from her .
the one on the left hand side .thick body hen .I ll breed the mass lie from her .
the 4th one on the top .I ll bred the comb line from her too .the front of her comb is solid . need a close shot of those comb

chooks man
Thanks Chooks Man..... I will keep these notes. You are right about tails and combs. Combs especially! Those are just 4 of the hens...... there are 5 more. I need to take good pictures for you.
I have about 30 hens. I have only been getting about 2 eggs a day for weeks. We put a light in the main big house and it helped. Funny the light can't get to the house next to it. I have a few pullets and hens in that pen. They are now laying up a storm. I collected 17 eggs yesterday mostly from my Marans but a couple from my Ameraucanas. Now I am swamped with eggs again! I have about 7 dozen eggs just in the last week. (Hmmm I kind of liked getting a break from all of the eggs in the summer.) Snow, ice and free egg deliveries! :hmm
Like mother, like daughter. Both Gretta and Gretchen have been laying regularly. I may be in a predicament.. their eggs are looking more and more alike so they're hard to tell apart when I mark them. May have to single mate them.

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Very pretty! Well you have a 50/50 chance of guessing right. I have absolutely no idea which hen is laying. I need to figure out who is laying the jumbo eggs. They are nice and dark. Not sure they might be double yolks.

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