International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

the rest of my chickens seem to be ok so far.

this story about frostbite makes me change my mind about land I plan to buy. I think I will not buy the one I found as it snows there and in january temperature usually goes down to -5 celsius, sometimes - 11. not sure how many farenheit but 0 celsius is a freezing point. I think I will go about 15 km down the hill where snow is rare and the coldest temperature is about -2 celsius. olives and citrus fruits grow there and 15 km distance is nothing.
Sounds like PARADISE !! TOM
I am not happy! My roosters have been starting to fight. I think I am going to look for a new home for Hulk. That will leave me three roosters. I am sure I will get more when my 12 chicks come. I think I started something when I moved Thor out. He was the main rooster. Now I think Hawk is going to be head Rooster.
I think all my BCM's are 3/4 FIGHTING COCK Once I separated them they will fight each other, if put back together. They each have their own pen. TOM
@kfelton0002 Ok. I just took these at noon today. Should I just let him alone & let it happen on its own or just take care of it & take it off? I’m one who I usually don’t interfere or step in unless absolutely necessary. I don’t have a problem with dubbing him though. Second pic, if I should, should it be cut along the blue line or the green line? And should I worry about his wattles or just leave them be?
View attachment 1233232 View attachment 1233231 @kfelton0002 Ok. I just took these at noon today. Should I just let him alone & let it happen on its own or just take care of it & take it off? I’m one who I usually don’t interfere or step in unless absolutely necessary. I don’t have a problem with dubbing him though. Second pic, if I should, should it be cut along the blue line or the green line? And should I worry about his wattles or just leave them be?

I have a legbar looking like this right now. He doesn't seem to be bothered by it (though of course, I don't know for sure) but I plan to let him ride it out. Then again, I'm a baby and couldn't bring myself to cut it off unless absolutely necessary.
View attachment 1233232 View attachment 1233231 @kfelton0002 Ok. I just took these at noon today. Should I just let him alone & let it happen on its own or just take care of it & take it off? I’m one who I usually don’t interfere or step in unless absolutely necessary. I don’t have a problem with dubbing him though. Second pic, if I should, should it be cut along the blue line or the green line? And should I worry about his wattles or just leave them be?
He is a handsome guy!
I think all my BCM's are 3/4 FIGHTING COCK Once I separated them they will fight each other, if put back together. They each have their own pen. TOM

It has been my experience that if I have three roosters free ranging, they leave each other alone, but if I have two out they fight, serious fighting. I have one coop in the front of the house and one behind. When I had Claude, he stayed in the front yard with his flock and Antonio stayed in the back yard with his. They did not mingle.
View attachment 1233232 View attachment 1233231 @kfelton0002 Ok. I just took these at noon today. Should I just let him alone & let it happen on its own or just take care of it & take it off? I’m one who I usually don’t interfere or step in unless absolutely necessary. I don’t have a problem with dubbing him though. Second pic, if I should, should it be cut along the blue line or the green line? And should I worry about his wattles or just leave them be?


The risk you run by letting nature take its course is that the flesh may turn gangrenous which causes septicemia (blood poisoning). Septicemia can be fatal if not treated.

As far dubbing him along the blue or green line really doesn’t matter, neither is more traumatic than the other although I suppose along the blue line will remove the possibility of future frostbite. As for his wattles, the frostbite doesn’t appear nearly as severe as the comb so you may be OK leaving the wattles for now...if you choose not to dub his wattles just watch closely to make sure an infection doesn’t occur.

I would suggest giving him some Vitamin K before dubbing to help with blood clotting. The good news is with proper care and treatment he’ll be fine. He’ll make you some good Cockerels with pretty combs this Spring!

Good Luck,

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