International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

I need to rename Idiot, something appropriate for the fool he is. Now the ladies have eaten his feathers off his neck down to his chest and have started back on his comb. It is not a protein thing as I feed them 20% all flock, it is more of, "Hey he let me do it, so why not, it was fun."

Actually the more he is around, the more I dislike him. I have eggs with him as sire in the incubator, due to hatch on May 4th, hopefully they have more than 2 brain cells to rub together.
How about Doddypoll or Oaf, Dolt, Sap, Boob, Meathead, Lubber, Buffon, Bozo, Bumpkin, Rube, Hick, Doodle, Yokel, Doofus, Goofus, Schlub, Schmo, Schmuck, Schnook, Sucker, Klutz, Clod, Clot, Blockhead, Nincompoop, Poop, Nimrod, Tomfoolery, Slob, Gaff, Goof, Goofy, Kooky, Buffa, Bozo, Dull, Dold, Twerp, Ninny, Dunderhead, Numskull, Halfwit, Ignoramus, Dumbkoof, Bonehead, Dunce, Dimwit, Rockhead, Birdbrain, Dope, Dopey, Dum-Dum, Dum-Bell, Noodle, Peabrain, Dummy, Dumbo, Thickhead, Woodenhead, Fathead, Puddinghead, Muttonhead, Nerk, Wazzock, Git, Pinhead, Twit, Numpty, Jester.... there are so many more... Loggerhead, Mompara, Drongo, Wingnut, Meatball,... and it goes on and on... apparently finding ways to say idiot has a long international history and need.
Hello everyone! I hope you have all been well. When I get a chance to get caught up on the thread I will but not sure when that will be. It's been a long difficult several months. Blessings to you all!
I hope you have been well... I get difficult months. It has not been happy time here, sever illness for me, flock got sick too (got through that), then during a food supply line scare our flock was stolen (all the Marans and several other rare and unrare breeds... including the birds in my Avatar)... then we got hit by a hawk which killed our only Roosters... remaining birds are locked up and we are building stuff (oh yeah a big storm severely damaged coops)... starting over... chicks ordered. Eventually we will do hatching eggs again but not before building more. So ticked off about the theft. Argh.
I hope you have been well... I get difficult months. It has not been happy time here, sever illness for me, flock got sick too (got through that), then during a food supply line scare our flock was stolen (all the Marans and several other rare and unrare breeds... including the birds in my Avatar)... then we got hit by a hawk which killed our only Roosters... remaining birds are locked up and we are building stuff (oh yeah a big storm severely damaged coops)... starting over... chicks ordered. Eventually we will do hatching eggs again but not before building more. So ticked off about the theft. Argh.
I am so sorry you have had such a difficult time. I hope you are feeling better. Did you ever find out who stole your birds? Glad you are getting chicks. I hope they do well for you. I feel your pain. It has been difficult for everyone. This has been going on for a year and 4 months now. It has really been ruff. One thing after another. The work never ends. I haven't hatched anything this year. I probably won't hatch anything this year. I just can't take on anymore. It will give my girls time to mature and hatch stronger chicks next year. That's definitely a plus.
I am so sorry you have had such a difficult time. I hope you are feeling better. Did you ever find out who stole your birds? Glad you are getting chicks. I hope they do well for you. I feel your pain. It has been difficult for everyone. This has been going on for a year and 4 months now. It has really been ruff. One thing after another. The work never ends. I haven't hatched anything this year. I probably won't hatch anything this year. I just can't take on anymore. It will give my girls time to mature and hatch stronger chicks next year. That's definitely a plus.
Sorry it’s rough thus year on you too. We have no idea who took them... We just will rebuild.

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