International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

Wanted to pop in and say hey! Sorry for the hiatus from BYC. Covid was rough at the hospital where I work and I kinda put chickens on the back burner and went into survival mode with all the OT and chaos. I'm sorry I lost touch with BYC. Everything is better now that Covid has fizzled out and I wanted to get back to this forum. I don't really breed my Marans to SOP anymore. They are all just free ranging in the yard living their best lives. I hatch enough to maintain a little layer flock of Marans and that's about it. I hope all is well with you all! I've recently went BACK to school AGAIN to get my masters in nursing as a nurse practitioner, so that is tying me up quite a bit. I'm either a crazy or a glutton for punishment, or both. I've also ventured into turkey raising, so we'll see how that goes. lol
Glad to see you back. Wow! You have your hands full!
Wanted to pop in and say hey! Sorry for the hiatus from BYC. Covid was rough at the hospital where I work and I kinda put chickens on the back burner and went into survival mode with all the OT and chaos. I'm sorry I lost touch with BYC. Everything is better now that Covid has fizzled out and I wanted to get back to this forum. I don't really breed my Marans to SOP anymore. They are all just free ranging in the yard living their best lives. I hatch enough to maintain a little layer flock of Marans and that's about it. I hope all is well with you all! I've recently went BACK to school AGAIN to get my masters in nursing as a nurse practitioner, so that is tying me up quite a bit. I'm either a crazy or a glutton for punishment, or both. I've also ventured into turkey raising, so we'll see how that goes. lol
Good luck with every thing you do .
All the best
Chooks man
I spent all day watching to try and figure out who was laying which egg. I am thinking now all 5 of them have been laying. I got 5 eggs today! Two eggs look really similar. So no way of knowing. I do know on the 2 blcm. Their eggs are the only round eggs.
That is great you know who is laying the rounded eggs we can keep a BLC pullets from them so we can start new line next year.
Chooks man
Wow wow wow look at who turn up . We missed you dear friend.
Welcome back
So happy to see you back. You made my day
Chooks man
I've missed you all too! It's good to be back to the thread!


A lot has happened I guess. We recently had to put Dark Angel down. Until then he had been the head honcho rooster in the yard. He had gotten heavy and was lame in his feet. Severe bumblefoot. I didn't want to put him through cutting them out. I figured he would let me know when he was "ready." One evening I couldn't find him, as he usually didn't go far from around the house. I found him hiding in an empty coop from his son and nemesis (unnamed) and he was defeated. He wouldn't stand up and would barely eat. His son had apparently took advantage of his weakened state and grew bold enough to overthrow him. And had chased him to the coop I found him in I can only assume. Anyway it made me sad because he was probably my favorite Marans cock bird of all time.

Prior to all that though, quite a bit prior, I had found out Dark Angel and many of my brood hens carried split wing. I didn't have the time or the energy to test mate to breed it out at the time. I simply turned everyone out and they've been lazy yard chickens ever since. Minus Dark Angel of course.

Here is his heir. His comb was frost bitten over the winter during a spell of very low Temps.

That isn't the best representation of him. His tail is normally more relaxed. He has split wing.

My Marans flock has been retired from SOP breeding.

I've missed you all too! It's good to be back to the thread!


A lot has happened I guess. We recently had to put Dark Angel down. Until then he had been the head honcho rooster in the yard. He had gotten heavy and was lame in his feet. Severe bumblefoot. I didn't want to put him through cutting them out. I figured he would let me know when he was "ready." One evening I couldn't find him, as he usually didn't go far from around the house. I found him hiding in an empty coop from his son and nemesis (unnamed) and he was defeated. He wouldn't stand up and would barely eat. His son had apparently took advantage of his weakened state and grew bold enough to overthrow him. And had chased him to the coop I found him in I can only assume. Anyway it made me sad because he was probably my favorite Marans cock bird of all time.

Prior to all that though, quite a bit prior, I had found out Dark Angel and many of my brood hens carried split wing. I didn't have the time or the energy to test mate to breed it out at the time. I simply turned everyone out and they've been lazy yard chickens ever since. Minus Dark Angel of course.

Here is his heir. His comb was frost bitten over the winter during a spell of very low Temps.

That isn't the best representation of him. His tail is normally more relaxed. He has split wing.

My Marans flock has been retired from SOP breeding.

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I am so sorry about Dark angel! Poor guy! When they see weakness they are relentless.
I am so sorry about Dark angel! Poor guy! When they see weakness they are relentless.

Yes they are, but it is the nature of the beast. lol

And thank you. He had a good long rein and had a good life. He didn't appear to be in significant pain with his bumblefoot until the end. He limped and walked funny but still ate well and appeared to have decent quality of life so we let him be. His son is just as gentle as Dark Angel was, so he is a good replacement in the yard.
Wanted to pop in and say hey! Sorry for the hiatus from BYC. Covid was rough at the hospital where I work and I kinda put chickens on the back burner and went into survival mode with all the OT and chaos. I'm sorry I lost touch with BYC. Everything is better now that Covid has fizzled out and I wanted to get back to this forum. I don't really breed my Marans to SOP anymore. They are all just free ranging in the yard living their best lives. I hatch enough to maintain a little layer flock of Marans and that's about it. I hope all is well with you all! I've recently went BACK to school AGAIN to get my masters in nursing as a nurse practitioner, so that is tying me up quite a bit. I'm either a crazy or a glutton for punishment, or both. I've also ventured into turkey raising, so we'll see how that goes. lol
Welcome back, good to hear from you that your doing well. Sad to hear about Dark Angel, he was a very handsome boy. Chooks man helped name him if I remember right?? Do you by chance still have pics of him? Be nice to see him in his glory days. ☺
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