International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

Welcome back, good to hear from you that your doing well. Sad to hear about Dark Angel, he was a very handsome boy. Chooks man helped name him if I remember right?? Do you by chance still have pics of him? Be nice to see him in his glory days. ☺

 Thank you! Yes Chooks man named him. Here are what pictures I could dig up on this phone.


The chicks in the picture are the clutch Nemesis (Dark Angel's son and current yard rooster) was hatched from. I think that was summer two years ago.

Here is a closeup of Dark Angel.

Wanted to pop in and say hey! Sorry for the hiatus from BYC. Covid was rough at the hospital where I work and I kinda put chickens on the back burner and went into survival mode with all the OT and chaos. I'm sorry I lost touch with BYC. Everything is better now that Covid has fizzled out and I wanted to get back to this forum. I don't really breed my Marans to SOP anymore. They are all just free ranging in the yard living their best lives. I hatch enough to maintain a little layer flock of Marans and that's about it. I hope all is well with you all! I've recently went BACK to school AGAIN to get my masters in nursing as a nurse practitioner, so that is tying me up quite a bit. I'm either a crazy or a glutton for punishment, or both. I've also ventured into turkey raising, so we'll see how that goes. lol
It's good to hear from you!
You are missed :)
Chooks man , I went out to check wing bands. I still have 2 original hens that came from Harvey in 2018. I still have storm and pearl.

My first hatch April 21st 2019. I still have Jade and Ruby. They where high quality in notes Ruby was the best.
are any of those hens you mentioned breding this year ? they are all blue n they ?
chooks man
 Thank you! Yes Chooks man named him. Here are what pictures I could dig up on this phone.

View attachment 3542335

The chicks in the picture are the clutch Nemesis (Dark Angel's son and current yard rooster) was hatched from. I think that was summer two years ago.

Here is a closeup of Dark Angel.

View attachment 3542337
gorgeous specimen for sure .stunning body pattern and copper ..
chooks man
Yes, They are all blue. No, none of these I have in the breeding pen. I could add them in there though. Since the other rooster isn't fertile. If you think it would be beneficial.
no you don t need to do that .keep it simple and do another hatch from the hens you allready selected .
chooks man

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