Intersex quail?


Nov 27, 2021
Some may remember that I was concerned about one of my two button quails being a roo. Well, my cinnamon girl has laid several eggs now and is doing well, but my double blueface hasn't produced any eggs at all just yet. Just a few hours ago I heard the one tone crow from the enclosure, (the one that I was confused about because my older male crows in 3 tones, not one!) And looked over to sew my blueface "hen" standing on the high ground, head and body lifted up.

A little later she was growling, at least i believe it was her. So because the cinnamon hen looked really rough, seemingly having been mounted a ton of times, I decided to catch the blueface and check the vent. First of all, she has dark red feathers around her vent... not I clear or thick as my roos (who is also double blueface) but definitely there. Her vent also was still small, no egg laying has been happening there. Though no sperm came out when I pressed on the vent.

So Because I'm a nerd about biology, my theory now is that I have a hen with unusually high testosterone on my hands. She gets along perfectly well with my roo, cuddles with him any chance they have and follows his food beeps, but it seems she's not a full hen! Has anyone here ever had a button quail hen that showed these typically male traits?? And most importantly how should I deal with this if she AND my roo mount the cinnamon hen? My thought is that if it keeps happening to a point where the poor girl has a naked back and bloody back I'll rehome her for her own good...
It really does seem like a male to me. He/she will exhibit characteristics of being the less dominant male, since the other roo has firmly established his dominance. I only say this due to having males together and watching that they will choose one particular male to be dominant over without the presence of females. I’ve dealt with it to the point where I’ve separated those being singled out into their own peaceful enclosures. Good Wishes!
funny thing that he/she/they has been living in total peace with the roo and a hen for 3 months now lol. and like, its shaped like a hen (doesnt have the poofy back feathers like my roo yaknow) and has just been interacting with my roo like a hen does 🤣
Have you seen my two gaylords in the valentines couples contest thread

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