Intervention: Helping Your Chicks Hatch

Can you try using a warm wet washcloth to wrap it in--obviously not over it's head. You might also try warming some water and just dipping the part (bottom part it looks like in the pics) that still has the shell in for a bit and see it that helps to loosen the membrane. I don't know if cracking the shell a bit would help him out or not. Can you chip away at the shell with out harming the membrane?

Keep us posted.
To Judy,

I am sorry. I was so rude now. I havent seen your last post and when I got back to read if there was a reply I saw what I missed.

Very nice to meet you to. Congratulations on your bunch! Please post some pics!

The membrane has been away from his beak for the last 6 hours.. Still nothing.. It is blowing bubbles?? What is up with that? And I see veins clearly.

To your knowledge.. Is there anything else I can do to help?
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I have followed everything in this thread to the letter. It is wraped in a warm face cloth. The membrane isn't stuck any were were I can see. It is moist. The whole top part of the shell is loose. I have zipped it right around.

It just need to push itself out of the membrane itself. I think it is to weak to even do that..

Oops.. (Light bulb moment)Do you mean I must try and get the whole shell of?
IF it is blowing bubbles its in danger.. i would get it out of that shell as fast as i could.. jsut keep it warm and let it be. ive never seen one blow bubbles before.. there must be much water in there.. whew~
Just for me to be clear on this.. I must remove it completely from it shell and leave it in the membrane?

I guess i can stop now trying to get the humidity up.. The meter show only 58%
no get it out of the whole thing and lay it down and let it wake up.. itmay lay there an hour or more but i bet itwill be ok.
ive had em lay there with the yolk exposed for 2 days and the yolk would absorb and it would beok.. danger with that is having spraddled feet and legs.
but warm and damp it will be ok.. humidity seems to be ok. goodluck
i had a bad day yesterday went to gather eggs and found Goldie my oldest buff laying dead in the nest..she had laid the most huge eggs ive ever seen in the last few weeks.. she obviously struggled to lay the last one.. it was under her.. softfeathers everywhere.. i worried about the eggs being so large but did not know anyting to do about that.. she was a wondrerful giving friend for at least 5 years.. i kinda felt ti was goinna happen.

uncle saw that big egg and said "did it kill the hen" and isaid no..but it was coming.. i feel a loss. she was a good old hen.. jdy
I am so sorry for your lost. Less than 3 months ago I woulnt have understand.. Now I do a little. I do hope you breed your last eggs from Goldie and you have a hugely successful hatch!

Judy I have done.. Wile I was busy zipping the egg in it length open the chick open its eye.. looking at me. I didn't tear the membrane this time. I more like peeled.. no, roll it down.. If it make sence at all.. From the beak, it stretched, in a rolling motion, right down the little body.. Maybe it was sencing what I was trying to do, cause it was trying to help! It was stuck to the shell right at the small end of the egg.

It was awake through the whole process, LOL, looking at me.. I placed it back in the incubator.. It is still awake.. Moving around.. There is a small blood spot on one of the legs..

I will let you know..

Thank you so much for being there the last two days, everytime with spot on advice, quickly..


im so glad that it is doing good.. i let a chick scream for attention one time.. it cried all night and i was so sure that intervening was not the the thinng to do... when ii got up the next morn it was dead... from now on.. thus the motto i have.. "do it, at least you know you tried".. doing nothing is so mu;ch worse than doing too much..

im signing off now to do some cleaning on this house that h as been so neglected. egg shell bits everywhere and chicken feed.. im such a slob.. gonna vacuum it up..luv jdy

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