Intervention Needed

I just let the wife read this thread (now remember I am still building my coop and incubator no chickens yet) this was her reaction I mean really it was..

Then she left the room, I never
so hard in my life, after she was gone of course..
I luck out with my wife with chickens. I'm just honest with her. She
accepts me for teh way I am. Now I need to get back to building more
cages for her rabbits.
That's it. I swear I'm not coming back into the hatching and incubating forum again till March. These threads are making me miss my bator and hatching out chicks, bad! When will spring get here?!?!?!? I swear I'm gunna be one hatching fool when spring does show it's face again!!!
Is THAT how it's done?
Do you just smuggle the chicks in later?

LOL yes in sweat pants with elastic legs, just shove em down there and no one is the wiser, except your pants cheep!!! or is that your pants are cheap! HMMMMM
Well it took me two years to convince her we needed a parrot, who she now adores. So I think on the chickens she will come around. After all I will do all the cleaning and collecting etc etc....
You want that bator back in September, right???? Right????

Right Buster....September. That is what we agreed on right? And we also said that you'd be hatching all of my eggs for me until then, remember that?

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