Intro new duckling to a lone duck...


6 Years
Jul 1, 2013
Thurmont, MD

I was gifted a baby pekin around Easter. She has been hand raised alone and is very happy and content. She has bonded very strongly to me. We moved her into a raised pen outside and she has lived there for over a month. I spend every evening outside with her so she can forage and get some exercise (rain or shine...). She is about 4 months old now. My husband and I are trying to have a baby, and we are afraid that we will not have as much time for her in the future. We decided to adopt a baby call duckling who is about 4 weeks old. The first introduction DID NOT go well at all. My pekin grabbed a hold of it. I know its normal for the whole pecking order thing but my pekin could swallow this thing whole until it gets a little bigger lol. She is just not warming up at all. We have tried having them out together in the yard, and she will act fine until the duckling gets too close to her or we are paying the duckling too much attention. Now we are trying to put the duckling into a small cage and set it inside the pekins cage for an hour so she can get used to it, but all she does is stand by the duckling and do a neck vibrating thing. She vibrates her neck when she has strong emotions. She does it when she is getting snuggles and when shes really scared/******. Has anyone else tried to introduce a new duck to a lone duck before? Will this be successful at all? I'm worried we will have to find a new home for our baby call
. Help please!
First and foremost, that duckling can't defend itself or get away from your big Pekin yet, so no more yard time together until the call grows up a bit more.

The two ducks will eventually get along, they just need more time. Take the duckling's cage out of the Pekin's cage and just set it along side the Pekin's cage. They will eventually get used to each other's company and you will be able to tell by how they act. It could take awhile, you'll have to wait and see. Then you can let them visit in the yard, and by then the call will have become faster than the Pekin and can get away (even fly away) if need be.
Thank you for the reply. I'm looking forward to things working between these two. I was afraid it wouldn't work. The baby is so sweet and I would not like giving it up.
Will one drake, 1 female ratio work? We have 2 drakes and 2 hens but have read awful tales which make us think we need more hens!

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