Intro to goose body language please

Yes, my geese have a treaty with me- I will not catch them to put them up for the night, as it leads to much crying and misunderstandings on everyone's part, instead they come up an lay on the patio to signal that they are willing to come in. My mom was goose sitting for me while I was taking care of chickens at the farm and she heard a knock on the back door. She looked out the window and didn't see anyone, the knock came again and she looked down- there was Henri, knocking at the door to let her know it had gotten a little darker out than they were comfortable with and would she please hurry. When she opened the door, the whole group trouped into the house and waited to be carried down the stairs to their night pen. They are so smart; I think that's why I feel the need to educate myself and understand them better. it's clear that they are telling me things and want to connect and I think they're starting to suspect I'm slow on the uptake.
Most goose body language is in their neck and head.

Head and neck extended upward at an angle: Curiosity, wariness (about the same thing in a goose
), a wary kind of greeting. "Who are you and what do you want?" Often they'll come running toward you when they are doing this. Inexperienced (or previously bitten) people mistake this for aggression, but it is not.

Head and neck down below body level, kind of snakey-like: "Back off, I mean business!" This is aggression.

Head and neck straight up in the air and honking loudly: "I WON!!! I am the conquerer!!" (done by ganders mostly, mine does this when he "vanquishes" the dog
). This is often accompanied by full wing extension that gives the impression of great self satisfaction.

Both sexes will fluff their feathers and wings "at you", meaning "Me very, very big goose." They do this when they want you to back off.

Of course, the fully extended tongue hissing: nothing more need be said.

What do you do with one that is level 5 all the time? He/she is only about 3 weeks old and scared of every thing. Hope she grows out of because the other 2 goslings really pick on her a lot.
The geese at the lake do this after one has charged at me or attacked and I've fought him off. To me, it's almost like saying "we can be louder than you, so we're better!". I usually ignore them when they do this, they would think they've won even if I had caught and held onto them for an hour. They're bratty, anyway.
I'd suggest getting a copy of Konrad Lorenz's books "Year of the Greylag goose" or "Here Am I--Where Are You?: The Behavior of the Greylag Goose".

Pick it up and cuddle it, hold it close to your chest, head up to your shoulder, your heartbeat will be soothing to it, and talk to it, so that it associates your voice with protection and something good.

I agree with all the previous body language posted!
Our Chinese gander also rubs his head on the floor when he's annoyed!!!
ok, so I'm following this thread and I'm curious... what does it mean when ganders (I only have 2 grown ganders at this point) make that gentle soft shrilling noise and have their bills in the air and slowly walk toward you... Sometimes they make the noise and approach without the bill in the air, and get really close to me on the other side of the fence... are they curious or do they like me? They never imprinted on me when they were younger, always afraid, and I'm wondering if they are coming around.

They did this streched out neck and soft shrilling noise when they were younger too when I would approach (I felt it was defensive and protective of the ducklings). But then again they do it (much louder) to the ducks (to put them in their place???) resulting in a slow chase around their yard and the geese having the bottom of their bills right above the ducks' heads... I'm pretty confused.

In any event, if they get too loud-or their behavior seems defensive, all I have to do is flap my arms and they seem to quiet down.

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