I am currently trying to introduce 2 15wk olds to 5 11month olds. I started out by doing a quarantine for 30 days, then put in separate cage nearby, introduction in neutral territory, and now completely supervised time in the chicken yard together. There's been no knock down, drag out fights but pecking and some chasing. I expected this. We put them together for an hour or so several times a day and we hang out and watch what's going on. Then, we put the babies back in their nearby pen and go inside. There are 3 big girls that are being stinkers and peck every time the babies pass by while in their yard. The other two are used to them and don't care unless they get in the way. The poor babies are so scared when they are in with the big girls. When will they let up? Am I going about this wrong? I'm afraid to put them together and walk away.