Introducing chickens to existing flock


In the Brooder
Sep 4, 2020
Hey all, I have six 10 week old pullets, 3 Jersey Giants and 3 Sapphire Gems, and I want advice to adding them to my flock. All my other hens are Buff Orpingtons and are the nicest things ever, never pick on each other. I have them right next to the rest of my hens but they are fenced off so they can be by each other without being together yet. All my other hens are free ranging and I don’t know when to mix them together, and how to train them to free range. Should I wait a bit till they get bigger, almost full grown so they don’t get picked on and so they don’t have troubles free ranging? Any advice would help me a ton.
Hey all, I have six 10 week old pullets, 3 Jersey Giants and 3 Sapphire Gems, and I want advice to adding them to my flock. All my other hens are Buff Orpingtons and are the nicest things ever, never pick on each other. I have them right next to the rest of my hens but they are fenced off so they can be by each other without being together yet. All my other hens are free ranging and I don’t know when to mix them together, and how to train them to free range. Should I wait a bit till they get bigger, almost full grown so they don’t get picked on and so they don’t have troubles free ranging? Any advice would help me a ton.
10 week old pullets aren't old enough to be integrated into an older flock. The best time is after they have entirely feathered out (4 mo. If rooster, 5 mo.). They don't have to be taught how to free-range either. They will watch the older ones, and go where they go. They will be picked on at first, but they are just readjusting the pecking order for the newer ones, they will get along soon.
10 week old pullets aren't old enough to be integrated into an older flock. The best time is after they have entirely feathered out (4 mo. If rooster, 5 mo.). They don't have to be taught how to free-range either. They will watch the older ones, and go where they go. They will be picked on at first, but they are just readjusting the pecking order for the newer ones, they will get along soon.
Thanks so much for your input, and that’s what I figured, so I’m gonna wait another 2 months or so to integrate. And at that point they’ll be close to laying

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