Introducing Chicks 2 Weeks Apart In Age


9 Years
Mar 7, 2010
Southwest Ohio
I gave in at the feed store today and came home with the last EE.


She is exactly two weeks younger than my other 8 chicks. Should I keep her separate or put her in with the others? While I was home today I put in a box with 'doors' that only she can fit into. They don't seem to mind her much, but I'm afraid they will trample her.

She is also a very clingy chick. Earlier she stood at the door of the brooder and cried til I picked her up and she has been sitting on the couch with me ever since. None of the other 8 even act like they like me, so this is a total change.

So should I put her with the other 8 or keep her separate in another makeshift brooder? And if I keep her separate, how long should I keep her separate for?



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