Introducing dogs?


Apr 6, 2022
Maine, USA
Hi, everyone!

BEAUTIFUL sunny day here in Maine! We are expecting our chicks to arrive in a few weeks (I cannot wait!) - it's a mixed variety of layers (I won't know which breeds until we get them and probably not until they are a little older). I ordered 18. We have a wonderful shed that needs just a few touches to be coop-ready, and are in the process of constructing a large, predator-proof, covered run (I can't remember exact dimensions, but it's BIG). I'm on and off whether they'll eventually be free range (lots of hawks and eagles where we live, and I saw a fox just the other night), but that won't be for a while and we are making the run to be more than sufficient for exploring and foraging in the event that I decide against it. Regardless, they'll likely be in their run most - if not all - of the time.

That was a little bit of background. What I am looking for is advice on if (or if I should even bother) you have or even would introduce your dogs to chicks/chickens. I have two - a handsome husky/cattledog/Pyrenees mix and a sweet little Brittany. They're both older - ages 7 and 8.5. They were both rescues and to my knowledge have never closely interacted with chickens (they certainly haven't with us). The mixed breed has expressed curious interest in cats/birds occasionally, but never anything worrying. He acts very much like a Pyrenees, and I suspect he would be happy to lounge in the grass while secured to his long line and simply watch the chickens - but I do not know this for certain. The Brittany exhibits a crazy prey drive with cats and squirrels, but seems to mostly ignore any birds on the ground (some bird dog - ha!). I trust him much less.

I do not HAVE to introduce them at all - the dogs are on leash with us in that area (it's closer to the road than I am comfortable with having them be loose) and the chickens will likely be in their run/coop 100% of the time (as of right now, anyway). I worry it would lead to chicken violence and human frustration on my part, but I wonder if anyone has any positive experiences or if they would recommend it for any reason? There's no hurry, but my curiosity deepens every day!

I have successfully integrated my dog to live with chicks but I have two questions. How long have you had your dogs? And do your dogs listen to your commands? I would not try to handle a dog that I have recently got because you wouldn't have a connection and you wouldn't really know anything about the dog. And if your dogs don't listen to simple commands I wouldn't trust them around the chicks until they learn how to behave and listen
I have successfully integrated my dog to live with chicks but I have two questions. How long have you had your dogs? And do your dogs listen to your commands? I would not try to handle a dog that I have recently got because you wouldn't have a connection and you wouldn't really know anything about the dog. And if your dogs don't listen to simple commands I wouldn't trust them around the chicks until they learn how to behave and listen
Hi! We have had them for years, and they're pretty well-trained but I don't count on it. I wouldn't say they are absolutely, 100% reliable if something new and interesting is around! And I (personally) wouldn't rely on them to be. I have had special collars be recommended to me for such instances, but I'm much more comfortable keeping them in regular collars and on their leashes so I can keep them close. 😁

And, in case anyone is wondering, they do get save, supervised off leash time every day!
I don't have chickens, but I do have ducks. I had my dogs long before my ducks. I trained them against going after any animal. I have had guinea pigs for a long time, so I wanted to correct them from any prey drive. One had zero drive from the day I got her. She has to be the laziest dog. The other one I had to correct her and her excitement towards other animals. Now both have been bitten by my ducklings and will hide behind us or walk away. They stay with my ducks when the ducks are out free ranging. Some of my ducks actually like hanging out with them. But it took me some time to trust them with my ducks. If yours has any prey drive, which it sounds like it does, I would be wary with them. Ducks and chickens can spook and may trigger that prey drive.
Hi! We have had them for years, and they're pretty well-trained but I don't count on it. I wouldn't say they are absolutely, 100% reliable if something new and interesting is around! And I (personally) wouldn't rely on them to be. I have had special collars be recommended to me for such instances, but I'm much more comfortable keeping them in regular collars and on their leashes so I can keep them close. 😁

And, in case anyone is wondering, they do get save, supervised off leash time every day!
That's good! So when you get your chicks you might want to have a couple of them in an area where the dogs can sniff them but not reach them ( like a cage, a baby fence or even your brooder if your set up allows you to ) so then the dogs will get used to the scent of the chicks. You should let the dogs sniff them until they stop being riled up around the chicks (Which should take a day or 2) when they are calm around the chicks you can take one or two out and hold it where the dog can see the chick and sniff it and touch it (Do not be alarmed if the dog licks the chick just watch out if they start to show aggression) you should be careful because some dogs may react violently (It really just depends on the temperament if your dogs are a lazy bunch then I wouldn't be worried about them) the dogs will soon accept and be comfortable around the chicks and begin to protect them.
Here’s a pic of my dog with the chickens eating some oatmeal

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