Introducing myself, HensintheHollow


Nov 17, 2015
This is our second year with laying hens. Having had Barred Rock, Leghorn, Rhode Island Red and Cuckoo Maran, we have decided to try Buff Orpington in 2016. We might add quail sometime. We joined BYC for information, and it is certainly here, but in such vast amounts that the time to find what we are looking for is daunting.

We are in northeast Tennessee.

See you in the threads.
Welcome to Backyard chickens. Your user name is certainly a mouthful
. Have you visited the Learning Center? A lot of useful info in one concentrated area. I find the search box is great for faster results.

You could put "Tennessee state thread." in the search box and that would connect you with others in the area. Or put "Quail thread," in the box and find info on them.

I am barely computer literate but, I get around somehow.
So glad you have joined us.

I have BR's and BO's and thinking about adding a few next year - are your RIR's friendly?

The BO's can go broody, but bet you know that.
Thank you for the welcome and the encouragement. I will keep exploring the site. Certainly, I want to know some folks in my area, so I'll take your advice.
Our RIRs are not friendly to the Cuckoo Marans. We don't try to make pets of them for ourselves, but they are happy to ignore our nosy border collie, so that is pretty good behavior.

Thanks for the welcome.

If you have questions feel free to ask. And x2 on Drumstick diva's reference to the search tool...that helps me find what I want almost every day.

Thanks for joining us, it's nice to have you here!

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