Introducing New Chicks to an Established Flock - HELP!!!!


10 Years
Jun 6, 2009
I aquired a 13 weekold Auracana from my brother and have segragated it from the other hens for 2 weeks. On trying to introduce it into the main coop it was set upon in a disturbing manner by the other hens who proceeded to to tear feathers out of it. Will it be possible at some stage to introduce it. Have I tried too soon?
Give it 3 more weeks and then put it on a roost at night after the other girls have gone to sleep... then be there in the AM when they are getting up to protect it.
If you can segregate it where they can see each other until it's nearly as large as them, it'll stand a much better chance, too- and the after dark works very well- especially if you wait until they've slept for a bit.

Definitely be there in the morning for Taps.

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