introducing new color questions

To get a red bird that is barred (I have barred rhode island red) you have to have dark red birds and barred birds. You cross a male red bird with a female barred bird. Then you back cross a male offspring with female red birds. You will have to hatch plenty (50) birds and a few of the birds will be red and barred. There may be some black in their feathers. Take a red and barred male and back cross him to a female red and this time you should get some good looking white barred and red birds. To improve the barring, you would also want to breed in the slow feathering gene.

I am in the process of producing a barred rhode island red. My work is in its early stages. I have three males and one male is promising. The males are too young to breed at this time but in a month or two I will be crossing the promising male with my rhode island red females. I have introduced the melanotic gene to my rhode island red. I used barnevelder to introduce the melanotic. This is my third year working on the project. I also have been working on a silver columbian (like a columbian plymouth rock or a light brahma) rhode island. The columbian variety need lots of work. These are not show quality birds with respect to body type. I will work on that at a later date.

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You cross a male red bird with a female red bird

Tim, this doesn't make any sense to me. That is just going to produce red birds isn't it. I think there maybe a typo there.. Just checking..​

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