Introducing new ducks


May 23, 2020
My duck is now alone her brothers were killed and she was all alone so i found her 4 friends so she wouldn't be lonley, the male is pecking her im assuming it's pecking order since it's only pecking her. Does this hurt her? I feel like ive done more damage by bringing them in to her. But didn't want her to be lonley after losing her brothers 3 days ago.
My duck is now alone her brothers were killed and she was all alone so i found her 4 friends so she wouldn't be lonley, the male is pecking her im assuming it's pecking order since it's only pecking her. Does this hurt her? I feel like ive done more damage by bringing them in to her. But didn't want her to be lonley after losing her brothers 3 days ago.
How old are your ducks? Introducing new ducks, unless they are ducklings, can be a little rough at first. Normally a look but no touch (them separated so they can't get to each other) is best. I had a new duck hen that I wanted to introduce in to an already established flock and it took quite a while before they would accept her. The male was very aggressive to her at first.

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