Introducing new lone pullet


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 31, 2013
Hi everyone ! I have just successfully introduced two new pullets of 4 months into my little flock -- i now have another pullet (just started egg laying ) to pick up next week. She will be another stranger and i am wondering if i should coop her with the two younger pullets or have her on her own in a pen until the other hens accept her ??? Suggestions welcome ...
Hi everyone ! I have just successfully introduced two new pullets of 4 months into my little flock -- i now have another pullet (just started egg laying ) to pick up next week. She will be another stranger and i am wondering if i should coop her with the two younger pullets or have her on her own in a pen until the other hens accept her ??? Suggestions welcome ...
Did you quarantine the new pullets before putting them into your flock? If you have the room, I'd quarantine the new pullet, then put one of your girls in with her for a few days so that when you put the 2 girls back with the others, the newbie will have a friend.
Quarantine is always the best route to go when bringing in new birds. It gives you time to see if they have any symptoms of disease.

As for integrating, any chance you can get 2 pullets? Integrating a lone bird is really tough on the them. It goes much easier if there is more than one of them so the abuse gets spread out some. It's best if they can see the others, but not fully interact for about a week. Then you should be able to put them together at night.
Okay - thanks for advice. I did the quarantee thing and the two pullet peeps still have their bed in a small coop and free range with the rest during the day. No the lady i am buying from only had a rooster with the new pullet to come ... I am aware it is not a good situation but wondered how she would fare with the other two pullets ( they are still small) . are they likely to fight ?? I quess trial and error ?! Thanks Happy Chooks and Lazy gardener
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Okay - thanks for advice. I did the quarantee thing and the two pullet peeps still have their bed in a small coop and free range with the rest during the day. No the lady i am buying from only had a rooster with the new pullet to come ... I am aware it is not a good situation but wondered how she would fare with the other two pullets ( they are still small) . are they likely to fight ?? I quess trial and error ?! Thanks Happy Chooks and Lazy gardener
Since they are younger, the new hen will probably establish her spot above them. Shouldn't be an issue.
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