Introducing normal size hens to bantams?


Feb 19, 2017
Long story but basically I have moved out of a domestic violence situation, happily with my four, young bantam chickens in tow :)
They live in a large hen house within a 2m x 4m walk in enclosure with electric fencing etc (on a friends farm)

Problem is I have two older large chickens to move out to safety as well. I'm a bit of a softie with them as I raised these two from eggs and they are so friendly and tame.

Is putting them in with the bantams a good idea??
I wont be able to get the money together for a whole new house and enclosure set up, and I don't know if my friend would let me take over more of his land anyway

If anyone has any experience please let me know. I do have possible homes for them if I cannot keep them, but I'll try my best first!
Hi, welcome to for integrating chickens, the 'see but don't touch' method is the best way to start. If you can temporarily divide the coop/run, maybe with inexpensive plastic mesh fence, that's a quick fix. There are many forums on integrating newcomers to the flock with all kinds of suggestions. Good luck!

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