Introducing tip and thank you

Mountain Peeps

Jesus is my life
Premium Feather Member
10 Years
Apr 23, 2014
My Coop
My Coop
Hi everyone! Just wanted to share this with you all.

This was my first ever time introducing new birds to the flock. I had three hens. (EE and two buff orpingtons.) I had had to get rid of two bantams due to aggressiveness. So I wanted to get two new chickens. So this spring I decided on a buff orpington and speckled sussex. I raised them from two days old. At 12 weeks I started the using the "see but don't touch" method. I separated the chicken run into halfs. At first the chicks were terrified of the adults and stayed on their far side. After about a week they would go up and have staring contests with the adults. One of the hens, Gracie who is the queen, was not at all happy with new comers. She was raising her hackles and making mad noises. After about two weeks they were ignoring each other and screaming for more room. That's when I decided to give it a try. I took out the barrier. Nothing happened really. They all stayed on their sides and pecked around. Then one of the chicks ran over to the adults. The adult hen pecked her...HARD! After that, the chick didn't try that again! LOL The first night was tough. They all had to find their own spots on the roost. The chicks were finally banished to the bottom roost.

It was weeks of pecking, squabbling, attacking and chasing. Now, after three months they get along like long lost friends. They eat together, drink together, sing together, dust bathe together and even snuggle together. I never would have thought they would get along SO well. I once caught them preening each other!

So, for all you people out there who are introducing this is my story. I want to thank the helpful members of BYC for being very helpful to me and this whole process!

God bless!

The chicks

Hiding from the hens!

Running from the hens!

All sitting together



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