Introducing young (new) ducks to older ducks


These are the two younger ones my khaki cross x
Put them in at night time.when they are big enuf.
My 2 male Pekins started fighting at puberty & never stopped.A female or 2 well solve the fighting.
Good duck!!
When are ducklings big enough to introduce to the flock? I have a duckling that has started to grow feathers that gets mauled every time I try. I have 4 adults, a drake and 3 ducks (Magpie). Two of the ducks are sitting nests that are due to hatch out soon. The drake is an a-hole to the baby and has beat him up pretty badly. I now have them separated. I am also worried about what to do with the newly hatched ducklings in a few days. Do I remove them or let the moms do what moms do? Any words of wisdom are greatly appreciated.
Hi, so if a female hatches her eggs and there are males will the dad attack them when they are older and will he try to mate his daughters? Just curious, cause I might get more females if I have to.
I had two female pekins and just lost one last sunday. They are 3 years old. So my lonely duck just squaks all day. She is extremely unhappy with the lose of her friend. But im not sure what to do. It sounds like it would be a problem to bring babies in. And what about baby chicks? Would I have same problem? She seems pretty upset
I had two female pekins and just lost one last sunday. They are 3 years old. So my lonely duck just squaks all day. She is extremely unhappy with the lose of her friend. But im not sure what to do. It sounds like it would be a problem to bring babies in. And what about baby chicks? Would I have same problem? She seems pretty upset

I had the same problem, but we brought other ducks in and they beat her up they ended up getting along but we had to watch them for a while. Getting another one wouldn't be a terrible idea (actually it is a good idea) but getting Babies would also be hard. I recommend getting one or two and raise them with her. That's my opion if that's any help
Yes its a big help. I had thought about getting a couple babies and putting them with her. The one that died was the more aggressive one anyway. I was thinking possibly doing chickens instead. Any thoughts on that? Thanks for yoir help!!!
Yes its a big help. I had thought about getting a couple babies and putting them with her. The one that died was the more aggressive one anyway. I was thinking possibly doing chickens instead. Any thoughts on that? Thanks for yoir help!!!

I think the babies will help just don't make her take care of them. Cause she won't. We tried that with my friend and they ended up almost dying because she (the duck) didn't know what to do. I've never owned chickens before so I wouldn't know but I thinks it's almost the same rules. I wish you luck!
I had the same thing happen. I got 2 female Rouen last April and lost 1 over the winter to a fox or coyote. My remaining girl was very lonely for the past couple months, she did spend sometime near the chickens but she is fond of them. Yesterday I got two 3 week old Welsh Harlequin that were raised outside, I put them in the pen while my adult was free ranging near by. She immediately took interest. She stayed right by the pen. Today they are all in the pen together. They are doing great. The babies are still a little nervous but no fighting. My adult definitely seems happy.

I would say its going to be different for everyone. It depends on the ducks personality.

I have to Pekin inside still and cant wait to introduce them in a week or 2 to the others. I decided to go with more than a pair to avoid a lonely girl again.

I do recommend watching gender. My Pekin are straight run so I am still waiting to know gender. My Rouen is a girl and the 2 Welsh Harlequin are also female. I didn't want to accidently have more drakes.
I had the same thing happen. I got 2 female Rouen last April and lost 1 over the winter to a fox or coyote. My remaining girl was very lonely for the past couple months, she did spend sometime near the chickens but she is fond of them. Yesterday I got two 3 week old Welsh Harlequin that were raised outside, I put them in the pen while my adult was free ranging near by. She immediately took interest. She stayed right by the pen. Today they are all in the pen together. They are doing great. The babies are still a little nervous but no fighting. My adult definitely seems happy.

I would say its going to be different for everyone. It depends on the ducks personality.

I have to Pekin inside still and cant wait to introduce them in a week or 2 to the others. I decided to go with more than a pair to avoid a lonely girl again.

I do recommend watching gender. My Pekin are straight run so I am still waiting to know gender. My Rouen is a girl and the 2 Welsh Harlequin are also female. I didn't want to accidently have more drakes.

Great help!! I forgot about gender, my duck is sitting so I'm hoping for not that many boys of you know what I mean

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