Introduction: Kevin Freeheart

Good for you Kevin Freeheart! Hello from Tucson and
Now, that's some truly amazing chicken math!!
To be able to just WISH for them, and 'poof' there they are..... I'm gonna start wishing really really hard for a couple of silkies, maybe I'll wake up one day and they'll be in the coop.

Anyway, that's great, Kevin!!
Chickens are great. I started out with 6 full-grown birds given to me last summer, and well......I went and bought a dozen barred rocks and production reds. Bought an incubator this spring. I now have over 50 chickens.
Good luck with your little flock. I just know we'll hear about more arrivals when spring rolls around.
Don't fight it, chicken math is unstoppable.

Oh, I forgot the most important part---------WELCOME TO BYC!!!!
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