Introduction [Willowtr33]


In the Brooder
Jun 26, 2022

1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?
I am fairly new to raising chickens of my own but have since 2022 owned 5 Barred Rock Hens (Plymouth Rock Chicken) and 2 Easter Egger Roosters (that's a story within

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?
Total amount comes to 5 hens and 2 roosters.

(3) What breeds do you have?
The breeds we currently own are barred rock and easter egger.

(4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens?
Companionship & supplying your own eggs.

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?
My main hobbies include gardening, photography, reading and hanging out with our cat (Pearl) and dog (Flossie).

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.
I tend to answer these questions before asked (haha, read number 5).

(7) Bonus: How did you find BYC, how long have you known about BYC, and what made you finally join our awesome community? :D
I found this site by looking up a few questions in the beginning and since have been referencing it due to the vast knowledge these boards/posts/community members maintain & share! So happy to be finally posting myself. :)
Welcome to BYC!
You planning on rehoming one rooster or getting more hens?
Thank you! What an interesting question.... the answer is so far, No....

The hens are homed separately than the roosters, each rooster having their own grazing area, coop and house!

We were told they were hens when purchased as chicks (our mistake as beginners), but have given them each their own homes to enjoy and have kept predators away successfully (even while being separate and not with the hens).

Although they have their own homes, they can all see each other :) it doesn't cause additional stress or harm as far as I can tell, I think they enjoy it since they were all raised together IMO.
Thank you! What an interesting question.... the answer is so far, No....

The hens are homed separately than the roosters, each rooster having their own grazing area, coop and house!

We were told they were hens when purchased as chicks (our mistake as beginners), but have given them each their own homes to enjoy and have kept predators away successfully (even while being separate and not with the hens).

Although they have their own homes, they can all see each other :) it doesn't cause additional stress or harm as far as I can tell, I think they enjoy it since they were all raised together IMO.
Forgot to mention, they love our attention & love (even as roosters)!!!
You've started out with two great breeds!

I have two roosters who co-exist without issues. Sir Henry the Loud lives in a coop and run with two hens; the three of them are Iowa Blues who ALL refuse to come back to the coop so they are always locked up. The new Cochin Bantam roo gets to free range because he and his hens readily coop at night. The two boys will -- about once every other week -- posture at each other through Sir Henry's hardware cloth run. But, mostly they ignore each other -- except in the wee hours when want to see who can crow the loudest and longest.

Glad you've found this group helpful and that you decided to join us! Welcome to BYC!

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