
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Nice variety of breeds you are interested in. Wooden sheds are very easy to convert and cheaper than starting from scratch. If you have any questions about anything along the way, be sure to ask.

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Interesting. Wood sheds dont necessarily have sides. I was wondering if because I live in such a hot climate whether or not they would need a 4 sided coop all year.
Interesting. Wood sheds dont necessarily have sides. I was wondering if because I live in such a hot climate whether or not they would need a 4 sided coop all year.
You'd need one with four sides and a roof as having an open coop is inviting predators. I think using hardware cloth for a side would work but that'd be pricey.
Interesting. Wood sheds dont necessarily have sides. I was wondering if because I live in such a hot climate whether or not they would need a 4 sided coop all year.
I was thinking about this type of shed... (I don't keep chickens in this shed, but it could be converted)

Hi! I'm Jenni, I live in Montgomery, AL. I've wanted chickens for a few years now, and I have successfully overcome urges to bring chicks home because I had the delusion that I needed a homestead (farm) to have happy, healthy birds. 🤯😩
I am currently focused on planning where the coop will go, what it's layout will be and what materials to use. I want it to be spacious as I can provide, and as easy to clean as I can possibly make it. Yes - make it, because OMG prefab are $$$!!!
I'm reading The Backyard Chicken Keepers Bible and the breeds I've decided to start with are Easter Egger, Welsummer, and Australorp. I'm thinking 6, two each.
Welcome. You are correct about prefabs. It would not be so bad - if they were good, but they are not. Most of us that do not build covert sheds.
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Nice variety of breeds you are interested in. Wooden sheds are very easy to convert and cheaper than starting from scratch. If you have any questions about anything along the way, be sure to ask.

Welcome to our community!
Agree with @TwoCrows. You can also go to facebook marketplace and get one used. If buying used, just make sure there are not any holes larger than an inch. If you find holes, you can fix them.

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