Ipswich Brisbane I Have Shelter

I know!! I'll be worried if you lose it.. and we dont hear from you.
No kidding!! I'm amazed as well. I count my blessings each minute and I'm doing laundry like a madwoman while I still can...baking loaves of bread while I still can.... *whew*

Internet is amazing. I am so lucky to be able to check on my friends - how most of this state has internet I do not know.

It's the worst disaster in Australia. It's so surreal to be smack in the middle of it, on a hill.
Thanks so much for shining your light in the midst of the storm--been watching the news and although I'm sure it barely scratches the surface of how bad things are it is quite bad just from what we do see. So sorry that you all have to go through this but it sure sounds like you were about as prepared as one could hope to be....coincidence? Doubt it..well done, and even better is reading about how willing you are to share what you have with those who didn't have the same level of preparedness, awesome. Thanks for setting such a fine example for everyone. Will definitely keep you, your husband, Ian, and everyone else affected by the flooding in my prayers. Again, thanks for shining (and sharing) your light.
Hope everyone up that end is safe and can find shelter!!

Its Sooo nice of you to be offering that
im sure many people will be thankful..

watching the weather channel and hope all the floods stop soon!

ive had Family affected MY Grandma And my dad have been evacuated and my brother is currently there visiting them.. they all evacuated to my aunts for the time being.

here is the toll so far ( according to the weather channel) 10dead
and 70 missing across the state ( hope they are found alive and well
and the peak in ipswich revised down to 20.5m
90 missing now. The worst expected for 18 - they haven't gotten to Lokyer yet to do searches - I worry when they do.

Thank you all for your well wishes and prayers. It's really really helpful. I have faith.

It's a weird coincidence - 6 months ago we had none of this and then one day I said to my husband, "I think we should save up enough in case something bad happens." He didn't want to, but I said, "What's the worse that can happen? At best we use it and at worst - we need it." I mean, I'm not kidding - we actually had this conversation one night. I bought water-proof buckets. It's so weird - all my friends remember me telling them about it. Now everyone thinks I'm a little creepy. Ha.

I wish I started saving sooner. More canned fish - more frozen goods - more beans.
all ways listen to you instincts. I assume you have plenty of water or iodine tablets. four years ago my parents were hit by a tornado it was three weeks before they had power and water. Dad was BBQing squirrels and mom was washing clothes in the creek.
Beans and rice together make a complete protein. I like to have extra on hand all the time. I also have a supply of salt, only because I don't want to eat my beans and rice without at least some seasoning. Still I admire what you are doing. The last time the valley below us flooded, and so many people were evacuated. I can remember watching the news, and not knowing how to help. Well I learned the next day that they just bring the oldies up the hill to the superstore and drop them off. I know that most would have had family to come and get them, but I know that I would have found room at my house for anyone that needed a place to stay during that disaster. I know now where the drop off is so next time I am going down to the store just to see who needs a place to stay.

We all need to think about what can happen and who we need to look after. I know for myself that I wouldn't leave without the animals. I do know though that I most likely couldn't save the fish in the tank, but it is still hard to know that I would have leave without them to save the rest of us.

I also worry that under some disasters that having to much could make a person a target of violence.

DH and I have family in Adelaide, but I know that is still a long ways from Brisbane. My heart with you and everyone there. Let us know if there is any way we can help here in the USA.

wood&feathers :

Prayers for all in Australia's needy hour - most Americans have no idea of the scope of the flooding. Unbelievable.

I imagine it is something like New Orleans after Katrina hit. God bless you all.​

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