Irregular pupil in buff orpington duckling


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 9, 2014
My ducks are just about one month old

Today I noticed that one's left pupil was irregular

It starts like a perfect little pupil but at the bottom it looks like a rectangle is attached

Any thoughts as to what it is before I get her checked out?

Other than that she appears to be in perfect health

The pictures aren't the best, but hey


I think it's that strange dark splot in the lower portion of the eye, almost like a double-pupil? I just kinda thought that was the light, though. o.o;; Is that what you're pointing out, Cl0ud?
Whoaaaa, I think you may be right! That's cool! I mean, if it doesn't hinder the bird's vision, which I don't think it does, it doesn't look severe enough.
I had to take the picture with my phone, and my ducks don't exactly at still on command

I snapped a selfie holding my duck, zoomed in you can see it a bit better

Thanks for the info! I didn't see any of this while I was googling possible explanations, very interesting!
Yes, that is an irregular shape to the iris. It would effect the eye's ability to block out extra light. Being that the eye can still blink, I wouldn't worry about it.

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